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Monday, August 28, 2006

Camping at Vaseux

Sorry folks! I've been gone for two weeks so I haven't really been able to write on my blog in that time.(No Computer at my Grammas OR Vaseux) So Im back and I cant wait to tell you all about my trip.

First week just my mom, my sister and me, went up to stay with my gramma. Gramma Sam we all call her. Shes doing pretty well.. but her feet hurt her a lot. Sometimes she can barely even stand up, and then she soaks her feet and crys.. its hard to see my gramma cry. I look up to my gramma. She was run over by a drunk driver when she was 10 and had to learn everything over again.. and shes still alive now.. shes 84. Shes my hero.

Altho I love my grammas, it can kinda be boring.. especially when the only other person around my age there, my sister, brought a friend. And she never really let me do anything with her.. so I was kinda left with my mom. Not saying my mom isn't fun.. but you know.. I need more kid company. Ya know?? imagine how my mom felt! but atleast she had her sisters.. and her mom..!

But enuf about then.

At Vaseux.

I cried the first day we got there... sat on the swings rested my head on the chains.. and balled my eyes out. Why? I missed Jessica.. My one and only friend left in the world( At the time). And then I started thinking about Sarah.. what I could've done to make the fight not so big.. Im not trying to play the innocent.. I know I screwed up just as much as she did, in my own ways. I had to admit it to myself. I missed Sarah. Loads. like.. CRAZY LOADS! After all, we WERE bestest friends... such good friends NO ONE could ever seperate us. Anytime one of us got an idea in our head, We did it.. no matter how hard it would be.

Vaseux was.... for the most part fun. Sometimes hanging out with only little kids got to my head.. and I prolly snapped at one of them.. a little more then i should've.... oops!
Hey! I mean.. its not really my fault! I needed someone there.. MY age.. or at least more mature then 10. Like Marina for example.. shes 10.. three years difference... but it doesn't feel like it. Shes really mature, and shes just a sweet heart! I love her to death! WE can hang out for FOREVER and we never tire of each other. At least.. I dont.. I dunno if she tires of me.. : Lets hope not!! haha. Me and Marina found a fish inside of a clam!! It was soo kewl! but it stunk... REALLY bad.. like.. rotten fish!! (hehe) We also found a snake ( dead one) Stuck in some washed up sea weed. Kinda gross.. but kewl. ALSO me and Marina went Fishing and it was the first fish marina ever caught without her dad in the boat!! So many memories!

Hmm any other memories worth remembering?? Taylor and I went fishing one morning Becuz Mike and his girls went out before us and each of them caught a fish. So I asked Mary, and she didn't want to go, so I resorted to Taylor. Taylor is Marys friend, shes awesome!! As we were zipping up our life jackets and slowing paddling out into the water she warns me. " Dont be suprised if we dont catch anything, I've grown to acceptthe fact that Im bad luck. Every time me and Mary go, we never caught a THING!"I just laughed and said "dont worry about it" 15 min later, and she catches a Fish! Guess Im good luck! :D It wasn't HUGE but it wasn't small either. It was maybe... 8-9 inches.. hey im not all that smart, I could be over exaderating, or underexaderating, but I dont think so. We brought it in cuz we didn't want it to die.. even tho it was in a bucket of lake water, she got her camera and she got me to take two pictures of her fish! She was sooo happy. It was her first Bass and her first Fish caught in that Lake. When we told my mom we caught something she said "I knew you would! I was praying for you two!!" Then Mike comes around, and says "And I was praying for protection, the wind was pretty strong." But hey, we made it there and back.. The canue could've tipped a couple times.. but thank goodness they were praying!

I never really did catch anything that year, but I dont really need to! Im just happy when someone else catches a fish, they're happiness makes me feel happy for them.. and I dont really care that I never caught anything!

Me and Marina also organized the kids and put on two dance shows... one with two dances.. Me and Marina's Dueo. And then A group dance. This was our end Pose. Thats Emma on top, Geli on the left, Me in the middle, Marina on the right, and then Xandra up front.

The second nite we waited till it was PITCH black and used Glow sticks.. We just took the group dance and fixed it up.. it needed A LOT more time and effort put into it!!


IM blue, same with Geli and Emma. Xandra is Green and Marina is Orange(which sometimes looks red...)

Well I should be going! I'll re post my post about my puppy Dukey.. maybe tomorrow or something! Talk to you then!!

Love ya


1 comment:

Yartarmoly said...

Haha!! You bet I caught that bass!!
lol I'm going to agree with you...

