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Friday, August 11, 2006


Two days ago, I got into BIG trouble. I took another one of my sisters things without asking.. and I told her after I already took it. She got very mad... and then mom got mad. And mom and I fought over msn for almost 45 min. I dont like fighting with my mom.. its crappy. But I guess when you be bad, it just happens. Im trying to stop. I dont know what Im thinking when i take her stuff.. I guess im not really thinking. Its very wierd. Becuz when I take her stuff... I dont remember anything that I've been told before.. its like my mind kinda goes blank! I know thats not an exuse for taking her stuff... but Its really weird. And I can never remember what I was thinking when i take it. Mom always asks me the same question.. 'WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!' and I honestly... dont know.

My punishment for taking Marys things is I have to help her with her chores and cleaning her room. But before she assigns something to me she has to check with mom first. I think I deserve a punishment.. but i didn't particularily like this one.... Haha

Me and my sister tend to fight a lot. Over the tinyest things! Like... mom will ask whose sock is in the hallway... and we both say its not ours.. and then we fight over it. We fight over things that DONT EVEN MATTER!! I really hate fighting with my sister. Because I see all these people who dont talk to there sisters anymore.. and I dont want it to be like that. I love my sister.. so much. But I've never told her that. I dont know why I haven't... Mary isn't really the sensitive one. If I ever told her... shed just be like.. "Cool." And then it would be all akward. Haha, but she knows I love her

Anyways. I hope I wont get in trouble again soon! I want to go to the movies today with Jessica to see 'Step up' or 'World Trade Center'. I hope to be seeing one of them before I go on Vacation. My family and two other families from our church are going up to the Okanogan for a vacation. Its a really nice little place. With our own private beach... and the waters really nice. Its good for fishing, and its just all around awesome! the kids have loads of fun swimming and playing with each other.. and the adults have fun talking and swimming. At nite sometimes we play board games all together. Its lots of fun, and I CANT WAIT to go!

I also cant wait for it to be over! Im soooo excited to go back to school! This year my school is switching buildings, so me and my friend Jessica are so excited to get to school! We hope we're in the same class! If we're not.. we're not gonna be too happy! But Im glad I get to go to this school! I love all the teachers there.. and all my friends, and the fine arts of course! Haha!
Well anyways, I guess I should get to calling Jessica to go to the movies!!


1 comment:

Just Me said...

Hey glad you're blogging. Remember tho..don't blog what you wouldn't say to someone's face. First rule of blogging ( in my world): don't hide behind the anonymity to say things that would hurt, or slander anyone. Be kind, be honest but be respectful! Love ya...keep it up.