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Monday, August 27, 2007

Mexico. Video clips this time!

Okay so this is Abi picking her nose. Haha, adorable eh? I miss her so much. Oh gosh, I can't believe it, it was her birthday on the 13th after we got back from mexico. And Yaris birthday was august 15th! sucks, i wish I could be there. I miss them SOOO much. like unbelieveably!

Then this is mom.. other wise known as super mom, on the plane to LA. We had the best stewartesses ever! They let mom demonstrate the seat belt and the breath mask thingers to the impact team. it was So freaaakin' hilarious. we just HAD to video tape it, and laugh hysterically.

I'm pretty stoked right now actually, i just talked with Paul, one of the organizers. and he said he'd send me a CD with all of the photos on it!! woo hoo! And I just sent in like.. 48 pictures to be devoloped!! Yaay!! Well, its only 48 out of like 200 but STILL! 48 is exciting! I'm so stoked to go to wal mart [hopefully tomorrow] and get my pictures!! Then I can finally make my scrap book pages, and show my friends.. AND I am send Liz, Asael and their family some pictures.. so i got doubles of some. mann i'm good. :)

I talked with Lizbeth the other day and shes back in school! Yaay! Shes going to bible school so that she can continue pastoring, and that was a big answer to prayer, because she didn't have the money for bible school and I asked around and got $600 [which is like.. 6100 pesos] for her! And now shes so happy and going to school, and theres extra money for the girls, and for food and clothes and stuff. I'm so happy for them.

Anyways, i should go, the main point for this blog was just for the videos. so feel free to watch.

This one is mostly just for the listening, as the video work is really bad. Abi just turned the camera on to record and then started walking and running, every once and a while she actually shows the people... and the church or something.. but listen really carefully, when shes showing the white bars you can hear her say "oooohhh my goodness" Its SO cute!! you have to listen for it. Ahh man Abi I miss you!! :)

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Great videos- so cute! I don't know how I didn't realize you posted this so long ago and I hadn't seen it yet! I usually check all the blogs on my list for updates every couple of days, but for some reason hadn't noticed there was anything new! I'm glad I got to see it though, I totally know how you feel, I am missing the DR so much... and am applying this weekend to go back for a month as a leader- yay!
Can't wait to see more pictures,