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Saturday, September 22, 2007


I was talking to Raymundo the other day. He is from mexico.. and guess what?! He sent me MORE pictures! yaaaay! Pictures!

So... here you go.. feast your eyes on pictures of my favourite family :) I love them so much, and I miss them even more :(

This is Lizbeth. I'm sure she just LOVES this picture. hahaha. But... even though she is eating.. you can still see how gorgeous she is. I told Raymundo to tell her that she needs to stop lying to herself and admit it. Look at her! She is SO pretty! And she thinks that she is ugly.. and FAT! What the heck Liz.. look at yourself.. you're absolutely magnificantly gorgeous! Am I right or am i right? I kept trying to convince her while I was there that she is beautiful.. but she wouldn't believe me. Do you think she is beautiful? Its kinda hard to see it in this picture.. but look at the next one too.. thats the whole family.

So this is the whole family. They got together for Raymundo's sisters 15th birthday. In Mexico
15 is like a HUGE deal. 15 to them is like our 16.. except there parties are much bigger. Limo.. WHOLE bunches of money. and liek the whole town is involved.. its HUGE.His sister is
in the purple dress in the middle.. and his gramma is the elder lady on the side. Lizbeth is in the green.. Abi is in front of her. Danna is in front of Raymundo's sister.. and beside Danna is Yari. Behind Yari is Asael. Cute family eh? I miss them. I laughed SO hard when I got this picture though.. If it was bigger you could get a closer look.. but look at Dannas face.. she looks SO peaved! I asked Ray why she looked so angry and he said she wanted to play and they made her stop playing and come take a picture.. haha she wasn't to happy about it as you can see. Oh mann.. look at all of them! They look so beautiful! I can't wait to see them again. I can honestly say with pride that The best part of my whole mexico trip was this family. This family has made the biggest impact on my life out of every single thing I could've seen or any of the people I met. I love these people with all my heart.. and I can't wait to see them again soon. Everytime I talk with them they tell me how much they miss me and it makes me realize all over again how lucky I was to have been able to meet all these amazing people or God.. and how loved I am.. even people that are in a completely different country are telling me how Much I am loved.. and hoe much god must love me and how much he must them, in order for him to have let us all meet. And I totally agree. Everytime I talk with them I am just thanking God more and more that he let me go, and that he let me meet these people.. because I love them with all my heart.. and I can't believe that I have people that love me that far away from me. and it makes me feel so special! They say that they are privilaged to have been able to meet me.. but no no no.. i think its the other way around. I am so... privilaged to be able to have met them.. and to stil be apart of their lives. Its really amazing to me sometimes.. how much God loves me.. and cares for me. I'm so happy he found a way to let me go to Mexico in the summer of 2007.. and I hope he allows me to go again in the summer of 2008. they are all hoping and praying I get the money to come in so that I can see them all again really soon. Lizbeth even told me that I could stay with her so that I don't have to get a hotel room.. AND she asked me to stay for the whole two months! holy cow! I can't wait.. I am just hoping that God will provide a way for me to go.. in fact.. I know he will. :)
These are my three little beauties. [from left to right, and youngest to eldest]

Yari, Danna and Abi. These are the cutest and sweetest little girls you could ever meet! I bonded with them so much when I was there!! I can't wait to see them again. I'm hoping to go back to Mexico this summer. When I am 15 [they'll be stoked.. 15 is HUGE! like i said in the paragraph above]. I hope to be able to go.. SO badly. I dont want to miss out too much on their lives. Everytime I talk to someone from Mexico they always tell me how much everyone misses me.. and it makes me miss them that much more. Especially because it is my friend Xuxa's birthday on the... 27th of october! And they are throwing her a HUGE party because it is her 15th birthday. Ohhh man!! I miss her like crazy! Mom says I can call Xuxa on her birthday though, because Xuxa and her famiy speak english, they used to live in the USA!

I was talking with Ray.. and I was telling him everything I miss about Mexico.. and I listed off a couple things... like the people... the places... the laughter... the smiles... the mexican meals!! And this is the picture he sent me right after I told him that. A picture of Liz.. Asael and Yari all eating!! Hahah! He's too funny. He says next time I come he will take me around Mexico, with Liz, and we will find places to eat reall mexican food. He says I will eat 'very richly' I'm uber stoked! That should be loads of fun.. another reason why I honestly can't wait to go there.. why should I wait? I want to go now! Seriously.. I miss them all like... SOOOOOOOOO much.. its unbelieveable. I can't remember the last time I talked with Lizbeth.. and I don't like that. I just sent her an email because I miss her so much. I'm hoping to get one back soon. I can't believe how much I've grown to love these people.. even after I've left! Crap! Sometimes it makes me so mad that i love them this much.. because its causing me pain! Because when I hear of their suffering I want to be there so bad!

Well I need to go.. Just thought I should update my blog.
By the way.. i did not write that last entry on monday august 27th.. i don't know why it says that..and I don't know how to change it.. I wrote that on like.. september 9th. haha.. so if you're feeling bad cuz you think you didn't notice it.. don't feel bad.. you didn't miss anything.

Anyways.. this week has totally sucked.. i'll probably write about it later. I am too tired to think about bad stuff right now. Hope you enjoyed the pictures :)
Te queiro mucho
Dios te bendiga mucho
Hatsa luego!

Con mucho amor:
senorita Shayna


Nikki said...

Wow, they really are all gorgeous. You are great at Spanish, at least from the few sentences you wrote!! I definitely want to learn quick so I will be better next year in teh DR.
By the way, to change the date of the post, if you do want to (although maybe not since its not a huge deal) you just click edit the post and then at the bottom click options and the date will come up.
Talk to you later!

Anonymous said...

Hey Shayna,

I was thought i would come and check out your blog, cause i haven't been on here forever!It is really cool!I am sorry i haven't talked to you since the begining of december. How is everything going?If you want to check out my blog you can go to:

I hope you like it!


Anonymous said...

Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.
