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Saturday, September 22, 2007


I was talking to Raymundo the other day. He is from mexico.. and guess what?! He sent me MORE pictures! yaaaay! Pictures!

So... here you go.. feast your eyes on pictures of my favourite family :) I love them so much, and I miss them even more :(

This is Lizbeth. I'm sure she just LOVES this picture. hahaha. But... even though she is eating.. you can still see how gorgeous she is. I told Raymundo to tell her that she needs to stop lying to herself and admit it. Look at her! She is SO pretty! And she thinks that she is ugly.. and FAT! What the heck Liz.. look at yourself.. you're absolutely magnificantly gorgeous! Am I right or am i right? I kept trying to convince her while I was there that she is beautiful.. but she wouldn't believe me. Do you think she is beautiful? Its kinda hard to see it in this picture.. but look at the next one too.. thats the whole family.

So this is the whole family. They got together for Raymundo's sisters 15th birthday. In Mexico
15 is like a HUGE deal. 15 to them is like our 16.. except there parties are much bigger. Limo.. WHOLE bunches of money. and liek the whole town is involved.. its HUGE.His sister is
in the purple dress in the middle.. and his gramma is the elder lady on the side. Lizbeth is in the green.. Abi is in front of her. Danna is in front of Raymundo's sister.. and beside Danna is Yari. Behind Yari is Asael. Cute family eh? I miss them. I laughed SO hard when I got this picture though.. If it was bigger you could get a closer look.. but look at Dannas face.. she looks SO peaved! I asked Ray why she looked so angry and he said she wanted to play and they made her stop playing and come take a picture.. haha she wasn't to happy about it as you can see. Oh mann.. look at all of them! They look so beautiful! I can't wait to see them again. I can honestly say with pride that The best part of my whole mexico trip was this family. This family has made the biggest impact on my life out of every single thing I could've seen or any of the people I met. I love these people with all my heart.. and I can't wait to see them again soon. Everytime I talk with them they tell me how much they miss me and it makes me realize all over again how lucky I was to have been able to meet all these amazing people or God.. and how loved I am.. even people that are in a completely different country are telling me how Much I am loved.. and hoe much god must love me and how much he must them, in order for him to have let us all meet. And I totally agree. Everytime I talk with them I am just thanking God more and more that he let me go, and that he let me meet these people.. because I love them with all my heart.. and I can't believe that I have people that love me that far away from me. and it makes me feel so special! They say that they are privilaged to have been able to meet me.. but no no no.. i think its the other way around. I am so... privilaged to be able to have met them.. and to stil be apart of their lives. Its really amazing to me sometimes.. how much God loves me.. and cares for me. I'm so happy he found a way to let me go to Mexico in the summer of 2007.. and I hope he allows me to go again in the summer of 2008. they are all hoping and praying I get the money to come in so that I can see them all again really soon. Lizbeth even told me that I could stay with her so that I don't have to get a hotel room.. AND she asked me to stay for the whole two months! holy cow! I can't wait.. I am just hoping that God will provide a way for me to go.. in fact.. I know he will. :)
These are my three little beauties. [from left to right, and youngest to eldest]

Yari, Danna and Abi. These are the cutest and sweetest little girls you could ever meet! I bonded with them so much when I was there!! I can't wait to see them again. I'm hoping to go back to Mexico this summer. When I am 15 [they'll be stoked.. 15 is HUGE! like i said in the paragraph above]. I hope to be able to go.. SO badly. I dont want to miss out too much on their lives. Everytime I talk to someone from Mexico they always tell me how much everyone misses me.. and it makes me miss them that much more. Especially because it is my friend Xuxa's birthday on the... 27th of october! And they are throwing her a HUGE party because it is her 15th birthday. Ohhh man!! I miss her like crazy! Mom says I can call Xuxa on her birthday though, because Xuxa and her famiy speak english, they used to live in the USA!

I was talking with Ray.. and I was telling him everything I miss about Mexico.. and I listed off a couple things... like the people... the places... the laughter... the smiles... the mexican meals!! And this is the picture he sent me right after I told him that. A picture of Liz.. Asael and Yari all eating!! Hahah! He's too funny. He says next time I come he will take me around Mexico, with Liz, and we will find places to eat reall mexican food. He says I will eat 'very richly' I'm uber stoked! That should be loads of fun.. another reason why I honestly can't wait to go there.. why should I wait? I want to go now! Seriously.. I miss them all like... SOOOOOOOOO much.. its unbelieveable. I can't remember the last time I talked with Lizbeth.. and I don't like that. I just sent her an email because I miss her so much. I'm hoping to get one back soon. I can't believe how much I've grown to love these people.. even after I've left! Crap! Sometimes it makes me so mad that i love them this much.. because its causing me pain! Because when I hear of their suffering I want to be there so bad!

Well I need to go.. Just thought I should update my blog.
By the way.. i did not write that last entry on monday august 27th.. i don't know why it says that..and I don't know how to change it.. I wrote that on like.. september 9th. haha.. so if you're feeling bad cuz you think you didn't notice it.. don't feel bad.. you didn't miss anything.

Anyways.. this week has totally sucked.. i'll probably write about it later. I am too tired to think about bad stuff right now. Hope you enjoyed the pictures :)
Te queiro mucho
Dios te bendiga mucho
Hatsa luego!

Con mucho amor:
senorita Shayna

Monday, August 27, 2007

Mexico. Video clips this time!

Okay so this is Abi picking her nose. Haha, adorable eh? I miss her so much. Oh gosh, I can't believe it, it was her birthday on the 13th after we got back from mexico. And Yaris birthday was august 15th! sucks, i wish I could be there. I miss them SOOO much. like unbelieveably!

Then this is mom.. other wise known as super mom, on the plane to LA. We had the best stewartesses ever! They let mom demonstrate the seat belt and the breath mask thingers to the impact team. it was So freaaakin' hilarious. we just HAD to video tape it, and laugh hysterically.

I'm pretty stoked right now actually, i just talked with Paul, one of the organizers. and he said he'd send me a CD with all of the photos on it!! woo hoo! And I just sent in like.. 48 pictures to be devoloped!! Yaay!! Well, its only 48 out of like 200 but STILL! 48 is exciting! I'm so stoked to go to wal mart [hopefully tomorrow] and get my pictures!! Then I can finally make my scrap book pages, and show my friends.. AND I am send Liz, Asael and their family some pictures.. so i got doubles of some. mann i'm good. :)

I talked with Lizbeth the other day and shes back in school! Yaay! Shes going to bible school so that she can continue pastoring, and that was a big answer to prayer, because she didn't have the money for bible school and I asked around and got $600 [which is like.. 6100 pesos] for her! And now shes so happy and going to school, and theres extra money for the girls, and for food and clothes and stuff. I'm so happy for them.

Anyways, i should go, the main point for this blog was just for the videos. so feel free to watch.

This one is mostly just for the listening, as the video work is really bad. Abi just turned the camera on to record and then started walking and running, every once and a while she actually shows the people... and the church or something.. but listen really carefully, when shes showing the white bars you can hear her say "oooohhh my goodness" Its SO cute!! you have to listen for it. Ahh man Abi I miss you!! :)

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Another picture or two

Okay So I know its REALLY early in the morning, or REALLY late at night, whatever you wanna say...

but i just got off msn with one of the kids from mexico, and she sent me some more good pics! :)

yaay! more pictures!

So here are some more pictures for y'all =]

Me Danna and Risa! My gurlies!! I miss you so much! <3

My favourite family [but Danna and Yari aren't in this they were watchgin cartoons :P] Liz, Asael y Abi. Liz... Me casa es su casa.

Most of the team, missing a few.. like me and my mom! oh well.
Okay, HOLY COW! the girl in the black princess shirt, can SING! She has
a voice like an angel! And I love her so much! I'm so mad I didn't get a picture with her!!
Oh well... =] theres always next time =] =]
Enjoy :) :) <3

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Mexico ...yes i know, again!

Hola Amigas

Como estas?

I was just sitting here thinking about stuff, and I can't seem to get Mexico out of my head still. I try to get my mind off things, but EVERYTHING reminds me of all my little girls, especially Danna. Its really hard to forget, especially because I'm learning spanish, so its reminds me. Me and Danna had an inside joke everytime someone said 'uno momento' so now whenever I say it it almost makes me cry.

This is my Danna, everyone. Cutey ain't she? I miss her so much!! The day that we left, she almost never let me put her down! Which made it so much harder to say goodbye to her, cause it looked as if she was about to cry. I wouldn't be surprised, I was bawling my eyes out! Seriously, I would try to put her down because my arms would start to hurt and she would wrap her legs around me and not let go. not for the life of me! I couldn't get her off of me! She did NOT want to let go of me. Oh Danna, I miss you so much hunney! I mean, I know I am going to go back, and get to be with her and her family again. but its just such a hard wait. Plus by the time I see them all again... Danna will be huge! She will be like.. 8?! Maybe, I'm not exactly sure her exact age. but thats just crazy! I can't imagine my Danna being that big! Or her little sister Yari, she will be like.. 6! Oh dear. And her older sister Abi, will be like 12! Oh my gosh! Seriously though, Danna was like the little sister I never had, but I always wished I did. She was always with me. Always.. and now she is gone. Its really wierd, I don't know what to do without her. Everytime I see a picture of her I always expect to see her running around the corner and screaming my name. Or everytime I walk past a chair its like I can almost still feel her springing out of know where onto my back. Everything I do reminds me of her. I love the things she used to do. Oh when I walked away, I counted the steps I took. we are so far away from each other. I can't stand it. So many times I've almost packed a bag and walked out the door. But where would I go? I couldn't very well walk back to Mexico, now could I? I wish they could all see how much I need them right now. I miss them so much.

I feel like no one gets me. I'm trying not to speak about Mexico in my house because I know that no one wants to hear it. But sometimes its so hard... being so alone in a house with so many people in it. You have no idea. If I could, I would go on about Mexico 24/7 and never stop. But I can't. I always either get in trouble for talking to much, or for annoying everyone. Well "I'm sorry" is that what you want? Becuase if it is, I can say it. I may not mean it.. but I'll say it.

If only someone understood me right now. I need to be with someone who DOES understand. And someone who will encourage me, not tell me that its not going to happen, you know?

Man I have so many memories that I can't seem to get out of my head. Like the time I went shopping with Liz and Asael and Asael put a sombraro on my head and said "Shayna scream!" of course I did a little hoarse "ahhhh!" And he laughed so hard, Liz was just in the front shaking her head at her husband and quietly laughing to herself, and he said "Shayna is mexican!" I'll never forget that. I am fully mexican now says Asael. Haha, oh, I miss him. Just look at him! He is such an awesome guy! And its so hard to leave him behind. Him and his wife Liz. And of course their amazing daughters. I love them all so much. One of my favourite memories will always be just how much they loved me.. and took me in as part of their family. They asked me to go shopping with them, Asael and Liz even wanted me to come to Asael's moms house for breakfast so that she could meet me, becuase they wanted their mom to meet me so badly. That shows me how much they loved me. The last day we were in Mexico, They were giving me all sorts of presents, Asael even gave me his sunglasses! Becuase we, haha, we had an inside joke.. me Asael and Liz. They went and saw Casino Royale, you know... James bond? So he would, haha, he'd put the sunglasses on and say "Shayna, I am Bond... James bond" It was so funny,me and Liz just laughed and laughed at him, he thought he was so cool. he even went and bought Liz a Fish and named it James. Haha. What a cutie eh? I'll never forget everything that we did together. That would just be plain wrong. But I was SO disapointed, I cried myself to sleep! I got back to my hotel and realized that I didn't have Asael's sunglasses with me anymore!! I was so depressed. I still can't believe I don't know where they are. Am I that horrible of a person? That someone who has so little gives me one of their expensive possesions and I just lose it the NIGHT that he gave it to me? Ugh.
This is [from left to right] Asael [wearing his canada hat, mite i add] My mom, Liz [looking beautiful] and Sundra [our cook.. shes amazing!].

I remember sitting on the bus for 2 hours with Liz and she would just point to stuff and teach it to me in spanish. Like "burbuja" is bubble, its not pronounced at all the way it looks. Its said more like "Bull- boo - kccha" the last part is kinda like your hucking a looge. Yummy eh? I couldn't think of a better way of describing it. She taught me that at one of the clinics when she was painting my nails.

Painting my nails. Yes you heard me right, She like... French Manicured my nails! I was like oh yea baby! She is one of the most amazing woman I think I will ever meet. You have no idea. I wish for all of you to meet them, though I know it will probably not happen. Sad though, they are the most amazing little family. When I go back, I [and i will be going back] I will bring you more pictures. sound good?

Another memory that I will never forget is that My "Abbotsford School of Intergrated Arts" bracelet is in mexico! not kidding, its with Danna. Look I have proof.

Look at the white band on my wrist. That would be my bracelet.
now look at Danna's wrist. she is in Tod's arms, she is wearing my bracelet. Haha cutie.

Anyways. I don't wanna bore y'all to death with my sad stories. I just can't seem to stop thinking about it. And I'm so SICK of having to fake a smile and tell people that i'm fine, when i'm obviously not. No its not just Mexico, its a million things trying to cram itself into one thought, but its not working out. I am trying to hold it all in, but then when someone that I trust finally asks me how i'm doing, i just EXPLODE with all my crap, for lack of a better word. And it sucks! Because then I feel so stupid for dumping all that crap on them that they didn't need. But where else is it supposed to go? I tried to keep it inside, but that just doesn't work, as evident by many times exploding.

I had a little bit of a leakage going on. I didn't explode today, but this morning... wwhoooo eeeee was I ever cranky. I just can't handle it sometimes. its a little too much for me. And it seems like I have to find a way, becuase no one really cares anyways. ya know?

Anyways. here are some pics to feast y'alls eyes on.

This is Me and Yari. Liz and Asael's Daughter

These are two cuties in Coushkiwi.

This is Risa. [Rice-a] She is from Entabledaro.

And this is all my Entabledaro Kids. MISS YOU!

These are my coushkiwi chickas. Faces painted and everything! Haha
Dancing in La Uno. Second Last Day

I am dancing with Yari, Betty with Danna.

Yes i'm aware, i look like a doof. but Yari is CUTE!!

Playing with the left over glasses.

Danna just being Danna.

Kate and I in Coushkiwi. One of my favourite nurses.
Yari. Adorable!! I miss 'er!

Pyramids. Mayan Pyramids, now would be the time to say ""oooooo! Ahhhh" Fantasic photography Shayna! Haha.

Abi, Danna, Anna, Risa, my FAVOURITE girlies.

I know its blurred, but its me and Solie, and its cute!

Cactus Boo, Betty and I found on the way to Entabledaro.

Sisterly Love. ♥

Mexico City from the Sky, Smoggy eh?

Our freakkin' awesome pink bus. Darn straight, used it almost everyday.

Dancing with the kiddies. Entabledaro ♥

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Mexico.. again.

I'm so sick of everyone saying me being 'homesick' for mexico is "normal". That everyone feels it, but eventually grows out of it. What if I dont wanna grow out of it? What if I wanna stay missing mexico..? More ways for me to remember that I am going to live there. I already know I am. Its been planned, like I've said a whole bunch of times before. Everyone knows it, so stop telling me any different! You can think what you want.. and say what you feel, but don't try to crush my dreams. Hell, even if i'm not going to live there later like I want to.. whats the harm in just letting me dream? And dream on I shall.. I miss Mexico so much. I want to be there with my 2nd family RIGHT now. I wish I was.. I hate Abbotsford now.. I hate this place.. I miss my home in mexico. But dont worry people of entabledaro... I wont be gone too long, because I can't truly be at home until I am where my heart is.. and My heart is with the people of entabledaro. Theres nothing anyone can do about that.. so I'm sorry, but please stop trying. Your telling me that I am going to forget Mexico. Well not technically forget Mexico, but forget my passion to go there. Sorry, but that isn't going to happen. I am in LOVE with Mexico.. and no one can tell me otherwise. There are only two people in this world who believe me.. and one lives in the US, in two years will live in Mexico, and one live in Abbotsford like me, but come september and shes in mexico also.

All of y'all have no idea. I can quite honestly say that I feel God is CALLING me to Mexico.. can't you get that? C-A-L-L-I-N-G M-E! Me.. no one else! So why does everyone feel the need to put in their little tidbit about everything! I'm tired of it! I just want someone in THIS country to support me in my desicions. I don't give a flying horses arrrsee what you think about it. Just help me through this.. be a shoulder to lean on, and don't try the whole "Well I told you before, everyone goes thru this on their first missions trip" Or the person who says "You will grow out of it sweetie!" Or even the person who says "Well, my daughter moved to (someplace) and her and her husband are still trying to get the bugs out!" I don't need someone to tell me what other people have gone thru. I dont need someone to someone to tell me what I will and will not do. And I dont need someone to tell me what people in their life are doing. I am only thinking about what I will be doing in tres años, and what I am doing now to help me reach that goal. I dont really care what anyone says. I am only listening to God. And sure, you can not believe me, I dont really care.. I am only listening to God, like I said before. And hey, what a coincidence.. I really wanna do this to.

Seriously.. All I need is someone who will just support me! Please! That is all I'm asking, you dont need to pay for my ticket to mexico, drop me off at the airport and buy me a house! All you have to do is be there when I need someone to talk to, or if I'm sad.. don't tell me to stop talking.. let me vent, I need it. And one last thing. Don't try to compare my feelings with other peoples feelings that they may have had. Don't try to understand, because if you couldn't see why I wanted to be there right now from my stories, then you wont find out later.. so trying to understand when you really aren't is not helping anyone. If you want to understand.. LISTEN. just.. listen. Ask questions.. talk to me.. but don't think you know everything already.

Anyways. Thats my little rant. Sorry if this sounds really whiny. I dont mean it to be.. I'm just upset, and with the person I now mostly talk to in Kamloops.. There really is no one but people on msn, and thats just not the same. I could call the girl in Kamloops, but I dont wanna interupt her time with her mom, brother and neice, so why bother? I mean, she should be home.. at the end of the week? Hopefully anyways. Then she might be comming over :) Yaaay.

I'll go now. Leaving on that happy note!

Adios. Dios te bendiga.

Con amor, De: Shayna

Monday, July 09, 2007

Home again

Hey y'all I'm home. But I dont wanna be. I mite be getting homeschooled bext year so i can finish school faster and go live in entabledaro, its in veracruz mexico. I met the most amazing people there. The pastor and his wife for one. They are both the pastors of the church in entabledaro. And their kids!! Oh jeez, I miss them all so much already. When I said goodbye the first time, I cried so hard. Then they surprised us by comming up to La Uno (the place we went after 5 days in entabledaro) and I got even closer to them, and so it was even harder to say good bye. I cried ten times harder becuase I know, If i dont work my butt off to save up money to go see them, it wont happen. And I want it to happen so badly.

I didn't speak their language [only a couple words], and they didn't speak mine [only a couple words too, we were both learning each others language], but we connected so easily! I'm going to learn spanish, so I can call Liz, I have every possible way of contact with them, without actually being with them. I have Liz's cell number, I have Liz's email, and Asa's, and I have Liz and Asa's adress for mail. I'm going to use an online translator to translate for me until I speak spanish tho.

Lizbeth, and Asaeal [the pastors], told me that "me casa, su casa" Their house is my house. They didn't want me to leave. They said that if I come to live in Entabledaro, I can live with them. And they want me to come for visits all the time, And stay with them. I would love to! I miss them all already.Liz gave me like... 10 hugs the night we were saying goodbye, becuase one of us would suck it up and stop crying, but then we'd see the other bawling, and it would make us cry all over again. It was really sad! If Asa found one of us crying, he would bring us over to the other one, and make us hug again. I never wanted to let go. She was like.. a second mother to me.. A best friend, An older sister. And they were all giving me gifts and stuff. Liz and Asa bought me a shirt, I told them not to, but they said it would help me to remember them. How could I say no to that?

The kids were the second hardest to say goodbye to. Abi, 6, Danna, 5, and Jarib (dont pronouce the b) 3. Danna was like clinging to me and not letting go, she didn't want us to leave. She wouldn't even let me put her down. I would go to put her down, and she would wrap her legs even tighter. I cried so hard saying goodbye to her.

Asa had already explained to the kids before hand what was going on, so they already knew. And they didn't seem to like it. Abby kept comming and standing in front of me when i didn't have Danna, and she would just lean into me, and give me these huge hugs. Or when I was sitting down, she would just run and jump onto my lap. I miss her so much. It was so hard to say goodbye to all her too. I cried so hard.

Jarib was already sleeping in the car, so I didn't get to say goodbye to her.. But I cried for her all the same. I miss everysingle one of them. and not being able to say goodbye to Jarib was the worst feeling ever.

Anyways, that was just what I was thinking about right now. I miss Entabledaro, and I AM going back there. Some time. I know this entry makes me sound like a wuss, but i dont really give a flying horses arsssee. I loved these people with all my heart, and I never wanted to leave them. Which is why I am moving up there and living with them. Its already been planned between me, Asa and Liz.

Thursday, June 14, 2007



Anyways, that was just for my team. We had sports day today and my team got in thirs out of fourteen teams! It was so awesome, we played 5 baseball games, 1 fort knoxx game and one round of the obstacle course. We have.. 21 points in total at the end.My team was the greatest ever! I am so proud of us all! It was a mix between each grade [ 6-9 ] and now i really know a lot of the younger kids, and the older [ but i already know the older kids because either A. i just do, and sometimes we talk,or B.They are in my dance class at school. ] So yeah. we got third place!!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

My Surprise Party!

Heyy y'all.

So my birthday was on May 9th. And guess what? My bestest friend in the universe (Rebekah Naomi) threw me a surprise party yesterday [saturday May 19th/07]! I felt like the specialist gurlie that there ever was! She is my most amazing friend ever, and I'm not sure what I'd ever do without her!

So at my party was my bestest friend Becky, of course, and my other three amazing friends from youth. Sarah, Crystal, and Jessica. And then some of my most amazing youth leaders, though three of them couldn't come [Doogie, Anj, and Steve] we had fun anyways. The youth leaders were.. Becky[differentone. BeckyToews], Jenny, Phil, Behn, Mandy, Kevin, and Alexa. We had so much fricken fun playing Cranium and then making the losing team go outside in the pouring rain and hug a tree for a minute in bare feet. It was amazing!

I got alot of amazing presents but i try not too much to dwell on that.. i wouldn't care if NONE of them got me ANYTHING. it just rules that they all came just for me. and they worked SO hard in making this all work out for me. It turns out they wanted to do it last saturday. Becky D. told my that BeckyT and Phil [husbandandwifee] wanted me to babysit that night. but they hadn't called me the night before so i just went with my mom to a conference in Surrey which lasted all day. BeckyD was SO mad at me.. and i couldn't figure out why. I was like. Geez Becky, it was only a babysitting job. i'm sorry! I'll do it next time !But no.. it was an amazing day.. i've never had a surprise party before and it just proved to me how much they all love me, and it meant so much to me. I can't believe any of my friends would do something so amazing for me.

Becky you are my BFFFE [Best friend for freaking ever] and I hope I never lose you. You are such a great friend, and you help me out So much, its unbelievable.
I'll try to just call and ask if she can drive me somewhere [which btw she RARELY EVER tells me no] and we end up talking for like.. half an hour. Seriously, she is my most amazing friend ever. and I love her so much.


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Micah, Shayna, Jess

Hello faithful few that read my blog. Today was an awesome day. I go to a fine arts school so for math, we were learnign about polygons, My teacher, Mrs. Kesslar, took us downstairs into the foyer and told us to get into a group of three and make an equilateral triangle! Haha! And then we got into a group of four and made a square.. then five and a pentagon, and six.. a hexagon.. and so on and so on.

Then my daddy pulls up and it turns out that BEN was in the car.. which meant, MICAH WAS AT MY HOUSEEE!! Yaaaay! So Jessica came over and we took care of Micah. This is the most adorable little baby ever. I love him to pieces... :)

Plus, my mom is going into the passport office this week - she's going to stand in line for ME - so I can have my passport and go to Mexico. YEAH! I am going with my mom, and Impact Nations, to Mexico June 25 - July 6th. Mom has been praying about taking me on a missions trip and really felt God tell her THIS was the one. I'm alittle nervous, but excited too. Mom says I'll be working with orphans, and also helping pray for people in the medical clinic. Plus,I think she's planning on me being a part of her prayer ministry team, during the outdoor meetings. was an awesome day!

Oh..and yesterday was pretty awesome too! Guess what?!!! I found out that I WON the singing Scholarship! ( Our school went to a choral competition in Pr. George last week, and I applied for a scholarship, that was going to be awarded after all the judges judged the choirs.) Anyways...I found out yesterday at school, I WON!! I'm so excited! I love singing. I wonder if God is going to use my singing for something. That would be cool - but I can't imagine what.

So..yeah..yesterday was a good day too!

Yeah okay, and those last two paragraphs... my mom wrote, lol. I must've left my blog open. Silly Supermom .. writing stuff for me. LoL

Anyways.. this is the REAL Shayna.. Signing off! Bye bye. Love you :)

Friday, March 30, 2007

Speech finals

So I got into the speech finals (In front of the school). And guess what? I won first place!!! I am so excited. The finals were on Wednesday March the 28th and the speech districts that my school is sending me too are on Thursday April the 12th.

I'm pretty stoked!

I changed my speech a bit since i posted it on here. I heard a couple people started crying when I was reading my speech. and the digital arts teacher made a DVD of it, so I can keep it and remember that I won! Its the first time I've ever won the speeches, usually I get 3rd or 2nd.

So anyways, I though I should just post to inform you!
talk to you all later!

☼♫Shayna ♫☼

Saturday, March 24, 2007


okay, so for school I was supposed to write a speech. And so here it is.

Its not really G rated tho, so... be careful with 'little-er' ones reading it, may scare them.

Its about Animal Testing. Tell me what you think, I'm handing it in on monday.

Testing, Testing 1…2… wait, this is tested on what?!

Chair Person,
Honourable Judges
Ladies and Gentlemen
Fellow Students

Today I will be talking about animal testing, and what can be done to stop it. I believe that animal testing is wrong. Even a friendly pet food chain is testing on animals. There are alternatives to animal testing that has the same, or even more, accuracy.

PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) went to investigate the contract laboratory of ‘Iams’ for about 10 months before reporting back. PETA had said in their actual report that the investigator found dogs who had gone crazy from intense confinement in barren steel cages and cement cells, dogs who had been left on a dirty floor with muscle hacked from their thighs, and horribly sick dogs and cats who were languishing in their cages, neglected and left to suffer alone without veterinary care.
Iams claims that what they do makes a ‘better product’ for consumers.

There are many different types of animal testing, though today I will only be mentioning two. One type of testing is an LD50 test. In this infamous test, animals are force-fed doses of chemicals until they die. The tests inflict hideous suffering on the animals, who endure severe abdominal pain; bleeding from the nose, mouth, and other areas; convulsions; seizures; diarrhea; and paralysis before they die.
Another test, is the “Fish Acute Toxicity Tests” These tests are similar to the LD50 test, except that chemicals are pumped into the water tanks that hold fish until the animals die. The fish endure severe pain, before they are poisoned to death.

Doesn’t sound very appealing does it? And there are still more types of testing! More horrible ways that animal can slowly suffer for our drugs and “beauty”. For example:

Hair spray and bleach is sprayed into rabbit’s eyes and their throats.
Experimental drugs are pumped into monkey’s stomachs thru tubes shoved far into their nose or throat. And most of these experimental animals die from various abuses, and are denied veterinary care.

People take innocent animals and put them through unimaginable pain until they eventually die, all in the name of “Science”. But Mice are not little men, The results of a drug may not have the same effect on a human then it had on a mouse. Therefore the results would be inaccurate.
But there is an alternative to these horrendous tests. Scientists can take human blood and tissue to test the drugs and products on. It is said to have more accuracy then animal testing and this way, no one is hurt.
Animals do not have to be put through so much pain for us. Please, you can help stop animal-testing, all you need to do is not support it. Check the product to make sure that it says it is not tested on animals before you buy. And think about it... do we really need another hair spray?

Thank you.

Monday, March 19, 2007

A Warriors Cry

A Warriors Cry

He looks
over the mountainside
He shall wait.
His heart is true,
His soul is pure
What’s that?
He ducks behind a bush,
For the right time to move
He sees them all
Sneaking slowly
Up the mountain
He’s not afraid
‘Bring it on’
He thinks to himself
Just as all of them reach the base of the mountain
He steps out
From his hiding place
A sword in each hand
He stands
The sun behind him
Creating a silhouette
for all below to see.
They all look up
And begin to rush
The climbing
But, still he stands
Stands ground
He is not afraid
For his Father is watching
Watching and protecting.
Sending more
To help with his aid
Something flashes across the sky
They are coming
He grins
And lets out
A soft chuckle
“If only they knew”
His friends begin
To land softly behind him. Staring down
At the coming danger
But they are still
not afraid
He looks back
On all his friends,
He gives them a nod
And a little wink,
He once again faces
The demons climbing
The mountainside
Casually, he raises his sword
High up into the sky
And lets out
A Warrior Cry
High above the mountains
It carries
A warning for all near and far
That this is the end
Get ready for war
A warrior cry is loud and long
Crying out, loud
like a brilliant song
All his friends join in
Crying together
Over the mountainside
And up into the heavens
Praying for the Lord’s protection
Swords raised high
They all together
rush down the mountain
Going into war
Still you can hear
The Warriors Cry
Ringing loud a clear
Like a brilliant song
While all below
Is Havoc
Gruesome Battle
Down below
Teaching the Demons
Where they should go
Don’t come up here
And cause people to
Go Astray
Stay down below
Where you belong
God reigns on high
Not the father of lies
Get back where you belong
And Suddenly they all began
To Flee
The Warriors Cry Has worked before
But not as well as it has
God has protected us all.
The Battle scene is clean
The enemy has gone
They are no where to be seen
He faces his friends once more
And slowly
He raises his sword
And lets out a warrior cry
Joined by the sound
Of hundreds of his friends
Joining in the cry

And now hundreds of
warrior Angels
Fly through the sky
Watching us
Making sure we’re safe
Making sure demons don’t try
Because God loves you
And he wants to make sure
You’re always safe
And if you ever hear
A soft song being sung in your ear
You’re hearing the cry
Of A Warrior Angel
In Battle
Or Victory.

By: Shayna Marie Dyck

Friday, March 16, 2007

Poems again.

Okay so as many of you already know, when I get bored I write poems and songs! So here's a one I've finished recently. My best friend and I got in a little misunderstanding, so [unplanned] we both ended up writing poems for each other. So here's mine, and hers is underneath.

I remember the day we met
It was a hilarious day
A day I will not soon forget

Mandy found you
And introduced us
Then came in Phil
He made such a big fuss

He told us to be good
He told us to be kind
He said I was now your best friend
And you were now mine.

Pushing us together
What an awkward time that was
We didn’t even know each other
Every single Youth night
There we were
You and I
Hanging out together

You really had become my
best friend
Just as Pastor Phil had

One day I brought some friends
To youth with me
I had no Idea what how they would act
What the after effect would be

They ended up ignoring
I wasn’t sure how to react
I kept trying to bring you in too
But it didn’t work

I was stupid and stuck with them
Even tho my true best friend was not with me
I felt so horrible when I got home
I thot we would never be the same good friends
We used to be

Weep ‘till the sea is full
I will not
I will stay strong
Dry as the dessert
When prying eyes look away
Only then, will I flood the world with my
Grief, Sorrow, Sadness

The next day you called me,
Omg, I was so happy!
You began to say sorry
And I said
“Wait, why should you be?”

We talked it out,
now were goodWe’re the very best friends
Just as Phil said we should

[I wrote two.. this is the second one]

Friendship growing like a flower
Friends forever within the hour

Memories we will forever save
secrets we will take to the grave

But then a fight,only once
never twice

She fely very hurt
I got very sad
I didn't mean
To make her feel bad

Laying in my bed
Wallowing in self pity
waiting for someone to ask what was wrong
Needed someone to feel sorry for me

Weep 'till the sea is full
I will not
I will stay dry
Dry as the desert
Only when the prying eyes look away
will I flood the earth with my
Grief, Sorrow, Sadness.

I felt so bad
I didn't know what to do
so I looked up to the sky
and with my Father
I talked it thru.

We talked thru what should be done
I almost picked up the phone
when suddenly it rung

we talked things thru
we were both wrong and right
And in that one phone call
we figured it all out that night

[The one my friend wrote \/]

I’m not going to jump to conclusions
With everything going on right now
Im losing my grip
The walls are caving in
Feel like im gonna slip

I gotta pick up the phone
And dial the number
Did I do something wrong?
I’m trying to remember

Being ditched
Feeling left out
Hung out with some other friends
But we had nothing to talk about

This friendship just started to bloom
I’m gonna end this pity party
Right here in my room
Stop feeling sorry for myself
And give her a chance
Stop acting like a 5 year old
And put on my big girl pants

So I picked up the phone
And dialed the number…

Whispering willows
Dancing in the breeze
Do they feelings?
Or are they just trees?

Rain falls down
Storm breaks it apart
Is it totally worthless?
Or still a work of art?

Forgiveness entered through the clouds
The rain began to stop
The sky a shade or sparkling blue
And there forgiveness shone through
Hope for someone to be there
Hope for someone to understand
Solid rock formed beneath my feet
Finally I could stand

Done with carrying all this weight
I gave my garbage to him
The only one to satisfy my sorrow, ache, or whim

Forgiveness stayed there in the clouds
The rain had stopped for good
Lifted my face up to the sky
Took off my hood
Someone was there
Someone understood
Friends for life
We looked up to the sky
And firmly we stood

So there you go... poems! yaay. Maybe later I'll put on more that I've written byes : ]

Saturday, February 03, 2007

How do u say goodbye?

Today I had to clean the bathroom, its my Saturday chore. I was listening to my moms ipod, and this song comes on "Tonight" by FM static. ( I highly recommend it! ) it goes like this.

I remember the times we spent together
All those drives, we had a million questions
All about our lives
And when we got to New York everything felt right
I wish you were here with me,

I remember the days we spent together,
were not enough, it used to feel like dreaming
Except we always woke up,
Never thought not having you here now
Would hurt so much

Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up
I need your loving hands to come and pick me up
And every night I miss you
I can just look up
And know the stars are Holding you, holding you, holding you

I remember the time you told me
About when you were eight
And all those things you said that night
That just couldn't waitI remember the car you were last seen in
And the games we would play
All the times we spilled our coffees
And stayed out way too late
I remember the time you sat and told me
About your Jesus, and how not to look back
Even if no one believes usWhen it hurts so bad, sometimes
Not having you here

Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up
I need your loving hands to come and pick me up
And every night I miss you
I can just look up
And know the stars are Holding you, holding you, holding you

I say
Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up
I need your loving hands to come and pick me up
And every night I miss you
I can just look up
And know the stars are Holding you, holding you, holding you

This song really hit home. When I was six my best friend, my cousin Lisa, died. She was an adult. and she got married to a guy named Chris. I was only 6. For so long I didn't understand, I thought she was going to come back, I was too young to figure it out. Her wedding was on the day of my fifth birthday. I felt like the specialist little kid in the world.I remember ,tho, I was her flower girl. I remember walking down the Isle and suddenly at the end of it, I stopped. I burst into tears and ran to my Daddy. I sat in his lap bawling. I didn't want her to get married.. becuz I thot if she did... I would never be able to see her again. I was rite. Rite after the marriage (pratically) Lisa and Chris moved to Ontario. Everything was fine until she got into a car accident after dropping her husband off at work. Someone ran a red light and smashed into the driver side of her car. She was 5 months pregnant. But before all that, She gave me a book, "The Veleteen Rabbit", that said in it something like "To my Dear Shayna. Thank you for sharing your most special day with Chris and I" And it went on like that. I still have it. I still cant believe shes gone and its been 7 years. I wish I just would've gotten more time to be with her, even just an hour. I miss her so much. How do you say goodbye to someone so dear to you? She was like my hero...

Back to my question tho. How would you say good bye? I've tried, time in and time out. I know shes in heaven now.. and that shes in a good place, but it still hurts. No Matter what happens im always going to miss her. She was like my best friend, I loved her so much. I couldn't believe that the feelings and thought that were going thru my head during her wedding, were actually true. Its crazy that after all these years i just realized that my fears were true that one day 8 years ago. How do you just let go? How do you say goodbye when its family?

I just wish I could have one more minute with her. One more time. Just once. I love her so much. Sometimes I just wish she was here to give me one of her amazing hugs when im sad.
"Tonight I've Fallen and I cant get up. I need your loving hands to come and pick me up. And everynight I miss you, I can just look up and know the stars are holding you, holding you, holding you... tonight."

<3lisa I love you

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


So I go to a Fine Arts School way up on the mountain. I really wanna graduate from the arts school.. but my parents are making me leave next year! I dont wanna. I'd rather walk home lol. ANYWAYS

So it used to be that we {the students} would just do all four rotations {Dance, Drama, Music, Visual Arts} but now becuz the grade nines get to choose the grade 8s are getting to choose, but only for this year.. not next. I handed my choice form {we hada fill out this form about what we wanted and have a parent/guardian sign it} So its the first day of choice rotations and Mrs. Kesslar is telling us our rotations. My names not called.....? Im like.. "Uhhh Mrs. Kesslar, you didn't call me" Shes like.. "then you didn't hand in ur choices form" im llike.. "I gave it to Mrs. Majewski like... last week!" but long story short. Mrs. Majewski never gave it to Mrs. Kesslar.. so it was like.. a 'Shaynas so horrible cuz she didn't hand in her form' day. Which sucked. Kesslar wasn't very happy with me. I was like.. comeon, not my fault! But oh well.

Anyways. I got the choices I wanted! With all the people I wanted too! So... Im in Choral Music {Singing.. YES!} for block A and Dance for Block B. I was so happy! Yaaaaaay! I wanted to scream! So Im with like.. Jess, and Brook, and Krsytal. And me and Krystal are going for like every single solo there is. if we have to.. we'll make is a duo.. or she sings a line, I sing a line, ya know? Its gonna be soo fun! And for dance.. Im with:
1. Tanya
2. Brook
4. Jessica
5. Rebecca
6. Anny
And I think Kiera. Its pretty sweet. at least im not the ONLY not-so-uber-flexible person there. It makes it better, cuz then im not so much an outcast.. lol.

Im not exactly shure what else to type up here. Any Ideas? im running low.....

Signed with Love
<3Shayna Marie-

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Years!

5....4.....3....2....1!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Hello everyone, welcome to my FIRST post. Of the new year of course! happy new year everyone! How was your new years eve? what did you do? I went to my friend Maggie house and we stayed up ALL night watching movies, but keeping a close eye on the time, we didn't want to miss the count down. We didn't :) We counted down with the rest of the world, and while we were counting, we called our friend Jill and left her a lovely message on her answering machine of us counting down. Yaay, im shure she was glad to hear us scream into our phone. lol! We took loads of pictures. I'll never forget that night with Maggie, we were meant to be best friends, lol we even finish each others sentances sometimes. Then when I went home, we (my family) did our annual Movie Marathon, or our Moviethon. and I stayed up ALL night then too.. i Finally went to bed around 1 am. but not before calculating that i had been awake for over 37 hours! CRAZY I KNOW! 37.. wow I think thats my new record.. at least untill next year :)
Tell me how yours was.. what did you all do?
Good bye! and Happy New Years!
