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Thursday, September 28, 2006


Yesterday I went to the youth group at Central Heights, called lifeline. I didn't think I would like it, I was begging my mom to keep me home... She made me go tho, she said I would love it, but I still didn't believe her.

As soon as we got in.. my ears ached.. it was SO loud... the boys i mean... Screaming and yelling, and wrestling, and just having fun.. the girls weren't as loud as the boys... obviously. We get in ( mom and me ) and we go to find Phil, the Youth Pastor. He talked with us for like a second, and then a girl stepped in, one of MANY Youth Leaders, her name was Amanda, otherwise known as Mandy, she was really awesome. She spent like almost the whole entire time with me..I didn't know anyone but her.. so I just hung out with her.

We basically play games and stuff for an hour, and then we listen to Phil preach, hes actually.. like... super funny! Hes a great pastor for youth! After we go back into the crazy loud room, and play more games. I sorta felt out of place there and I went to the back of the room and stood leaned against the wall.. i didn't know what to do. Suddenly, a girl from my Hip Hop class ( which btw, I've NEVER talked to ) walks up to me and says " Would you like to hang out with me and mmy friends?" alright!!! So her name is Sarah, shes appearently a lot nicer than I thought! Her and her friends like.. welcomed me into there group right away! It was soo awesome! We played ping pong for a bit, and then we left and sat in the hall because it was like.. major loud in there.

Then Sarahs friends parents came and they went home about 5 min later Sarahs Dad came, so I was just standing at the door, I saw Mandi, but she was talking with a leader so I didn't wanna interupt her, ya know?? Suddenly she turns around and shes like... "HEY! I was JUST telling him how I couldn't find you??" Then she turned to the other leader, "Wasn't I just telling you??" We laughed for a bit and then talked about Hip Hop.. and School.. and how she cant remember names! I told her she reminded me of my mom. My mom is really bad with names.. but shes getting better (hehe mom if your reading this... :D LOVE YOU!hehe)

Anyways, Youth went really well that nite, i thought it would be crap.. but it was like... major fun.. and like.. major loud. And I cant WAIT for next week!!

I should go now, I gots some homework to do... WoOt<3


(P.S the <3 is a heart, just in case you were all wondering, if you turn the < around and make it point down and put the 3 on top... its a heart!! :D haha <3 byebye)


Anonymous said...

It's awesome that you liked it. I'm so happy for ya!

Anonymous said...

YG sounded Fun , glad it wasnt as bad a u thought it would b.
Ta for the <3 info... I was wondering :D

Anonymous said...

I am glad you had such a great time! that is awesome that they accepted you in! but then why wouldn't you cuz YOU ROCK!!
