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Friday, September 08, 2006

"Dear Diary"

Yesterday, my parents left for Wales, England, and then Scotland. I miss them.

My school (ASIA) decided to start a disrict wide spelling bee. And we've only been in school like...3 DAYS! And you can bet, my teacher is prolly gonna make me go into it. Joy. And you can bet that was sarcasim. My friend put up my hand, but im too scared to go into front of the whole school... AND to go disrict wide online. Its crazy! Mrs.Majewski already told me Im prolly in it. IM not to excited... what if I spell a really easy word wrong? Like silence? I know i can spell silence, but in front of all those people I might spell it wrong and that would be emabarassing!

Yesterday, my teacher came up to me after class.(Mrs Majewski) She said to me "Are you okay? You seem really quiet today! And why wouldn't you share you're writing with the class? Thats not the Shaina I know!"
I told her "The Shaina you know, has changed a lot since grade 5.... And im fine..."
"Are you shure?"
"Well, my parents are leaving for England today.."
"For how long?"
"Two weeks"... Then I dont know why, but i started crying.. Yeah shure, imma miss my parents but I didn't think I would.. THAT much!!
Mrs Majewski looked at me for a second, and then said "Awwwee! Shaina! You'll be fine!" Shes a really awesome teacher im glad im in her class! She told me if I ever need to talk.. shes always there.

I guess I really do miss them. My spirit does anyways, more than I know. See My parents haven't really gone away for this long without us... ever. They dont usually travel, I mean.. My dad goes to confrences in Toronto, and Same with my mom. My mom and dad were going to go to Venezuela.. But my dad didn't have enuf money to go in time. So he sent mom by herself. And she had loads of fun! but they've never really gone at the same time without us.. Its kinda wierd coming home from school and having them not there,, ya know?Its really crazy...

But I gotta go and finish waiting till we get driven to school.. I asked to be woken up at 6:45 so I could shower... and Margie woke me up at 6:05. I was like... noooooo! I was sooo tuired.. and I got already 40 min before we actually go.. lol! So i gotta go... byebye<3<3


1 comment:

Lala's world said...

hey babe, hope you are doing better, I know it is tough when parents go away mine used to travel alot and it always seemed to be on my birthday! but.... you just stronger and you will be just fine! time goes by fast and before you know it they will be home!!

love ya!