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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Today.. I think

i Hello Oh faithful few that read my blog. Haha

Today was just like any other day, School.. Car pool.. home. Oh Joy, haha.

My friends keep telling me I should work on getting my singing to take me somewhere, but WHERE?? I have like.. NO connections..!!
Anyways, I tried to get a clip of me singing on here.. couldn't figure out how.. :( Maybe next time!! if anyone knows how.. that would be AWESOME if you could tell me.

My parents are gone.. as you already know.. it kinda sucks, I mean.. I like Margie, but she basically is TOO quiet. When she calls me and Mary for dinner, we can barely hear her... When she called me, I didn't even know she was calling.. so mary just said louder "Shayna!! Dinner!" And i heard right away and came! I think she thinks im not listening to her.. but its not that.. I CANT HEAR HER!! haha She needs to speak up... a lot. Shes really nice tho, but shes not strict, and TOO quiet, I guess there is such a thing as too quiet!

Other than that, everything is going fine, Mary made tacos tonite, well she made the shells(THANK YOU PATTI CULLEY!) I made the meat. It was GOOD if i do say so myself, hehe!

Yesterday I called Rachel to ask her if I could put her as my emergency contact for school, and we ended up talking for like.. 45 min! hah! Not really on a particular subject, we just rambled on, shes soo funney. i loved it.

Schools.. meh, cant complain, its school. WAYY to much stuff to carry home after school.. im used to just a back pack.. now its a binder, and my Math textbook, and my Science textbook, and my purse, and my ANYTHING else i brought! Haha, its too much to me!

Any ways, i should go.. I will blog again soon! byebye Faithful bloggers! (hehe I still think thats funney)



Patti said...

Nice Blog, Chickie!

Love ya!

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Hi there Small Child!
So you want to post a clip of your singing, do ya?

Do you have something that you have sung in an MP3 file? If you do, I might be able to help you put it on your bloggie! Is it your own composition? You don't want to be posting something that someone else has rights to (lousy little law LOL). However, if you want to post a clip of your voice, you could try singing an ancient ditty of some sort that is in the public domain.

Send me a wee note at "blogmail at rogers dot com" if you want help -- attach an MP3 file if you have one! (I don't like to put the usual format for email in blog comments to avoid being snatched by web crawlers.)

Keep up the good work with your writing. I came here through the back door of other blog links quite awhile ago and liked what I saw so much that I stuck a link to you on my daughter's blog. You may want to visit her sometime at Kinza's blog

Kinza said...

Hi Shayna!
I've been coming on you blog for a little while now! (only I don't think I've commented).

Well I'd better go now because I have to get ready for church!

Kinza :)

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Good! Your own stuff! Not sure if we can easily do just music! We need to do a little video. (don't ask me why we can do video and not straight sound -- I'm not too smart, ya know!) Send me just the mp3 and I will make it into a little video if you wish. If you have pictures you want me to use in the video -- like of you(!!) or just other pictures that illustrate your song, send them as well, giving me as many to choose from as you can. Once I've uploaded it I'll send you the code you'll need to put it on your blog. Choose one of your shorter songs as a start! :)