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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Hip Hop

okay, So today is my first hip hop class.. Im SO nervous..! I Make shure to look like im ready to dance hip hop, but not to go over the top. Im all excited, I get there.. and my stomache turns... 4 girls... 2 are best friends... 2 are best friends... which leaves me... alone. Greeeeaaaaaat. That was the first fault... Second, I wore FLIP FLOPS!! haha yea, i know.. im genious! THIRD, My flip flops where are sweaty so I kept slipping.. and Last but not least, My hair was a fluff ball!

Yup, I had fun.. I picked up the choreography well.. I think, Brittany Richmond ( my teacher ) Said I was doing good... So, I hope I really am.. and shes not just being nice. Shes a really kewl teacher, She prays at the beginning of the class, and shes really fun.. And she laughs in the middle of dancing! Its Awesome, I love it!

I dont really have much to write about today... I just thought I should write about my dance so everyone knows what Im up too these "parentless days".

I talked with mrs.Majewski about my parents gone.. In my journal of course.. Shes a really good help! Im so glad to be in her class! LoL, I actually cried writing my journal one time! Haha! I miss them so much and I cant believe its only... 3 days until they come hommeee!!

I've talked with Patti and Rachel when they were gone.. Patti about friends "stuff" and Rachel.. actually I dont even know.. we talked about so many different things, we just laughed and had a fun time on the phone. I love Patti and Rachel for being there for me! You guys mean so much to me, and im glad your there if I need prayer or.. just someone to talk to!

Anyways.. I had loads of homework.. and i gotta go!!


Kinza said...

Yes! My name IS "Kinza"!
I know what you mean by missing your parents cuz when I was at camp when I was writing in my diary-journal I was crying too! I am going on an overnight trip with my class tomorrow until Friday! I don't think it will be very hard on me at all becuz I'll be with all my friends. I'm taking my camera and I will email you some pix when I get back! (if I can find your email -- I think it's in your profile thingy!)

See ya!
Kinza :)

Kinza said...

I just checked -- my Mom says I can email the pix to your Mom for you.

Anonymous said...

hiya, i have been reading ur blog, and found ur songs. I think u r very talented :) The hip hop thingy sounds like fun... Id love 2 try, though my kids get embarrassed when I just dance around the living room :D Ur mum will be home soon, maybe u should show her some mooves ;D .keep up the writing, Im sure if u asked God for help, he would enable u to write about some happy stuff too .
God Bless u, Kaz