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Thursday, August 09, 2007

Another picture or two

Okay So I know its REALLY early in the morning, or REALLY late at night, whatever you wanna say...

but i just got off msn with one of the kids from mexico, and she sent me some more good pics! :)

yaay! more pictures!

So here are some more pictures for y'all =]

Me Danna and Risa! My gurlies!! I miss you so much! <3

My favourite family [but Danna and Yari aren't in this they were watchgin cartoons :P] Liz, Asael y Abi. Liz... Me casa es su casa.

Most of the team, missing a few.. like me and my mom! oh well.
Okay, HOLY COW! the girl in the black princess shirt, can SING! She has
a voice like an angel! And I love her so much! I'm so mad I didn't get a picture with her!!
Oh well... =] theres always next time =] =]
Enjoy :) :) <3


Nikki said...

Wow- I am in awe reading your blog and totally understand when you say how much you miss Mexico. I just went on a mission trip to the Dominican and have had really similar experiences as you!
is the blog about my trip and is my everyday blog.

I am going to come back and post and read more when I have a free chance (I am babysitting now) but thought I would say hi!


Mari said...

Cute pictures. :]

Haha, I'm the oldest of four. So that's a lot of annoyances. Yeah, the hamster was found just as soon as it was lost. The hard part was just getting it to come out of it's hiding place.

Wow, sounds like mission trips are a lot of fun! I'd really like to go on one. :]

I'm Christian. But not exclusively. I celebrate Christian holidays, but like I said before, my family doesn't go to church often. Sometimes I go with a friend, or other relative though.

Oh, where are you from? Your church sounds really fun. Small churches are always more fun, in the bigger ones, people aren't as friendly.

Yeah, my email is

-Marissa. <3

Nikki said...

Hi- thanks for the messages! I am looking forward to reading more of your blog. Hero Holiday, the group I went to the DR with, also does a Mexico trip, so I am still deciding if next summer I want to go back to the Dominican or try out Mexico. Hmm... decision, decisions...

Mari said...

Hey, I haven't heard from you in a while! How are you? Are you still grounded? That sucks if you are. Hope to talk to you soon! :]

Mari said...

What's PIH? Omg, that would be so nice of you! I'd totally be up to that :]

Nikki said...

Hey, how is everything??? I would love to hear some more updates about life, and Mexico! :-D