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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Merry go round.. or life?

Okay, So right now my life feels like one big merry-go-round. I'll feel alright with everything, and then suddenly something with happen, and it feels like I hit the bottom.. hard. So let me tell you that is NOT fun... not fun at all. Actually it really sucks. It hurts too, see.. when I fall sometimes I just wanna scream and get so mad... but on the other hand... my body wont let me. Its like it knows before I do.. that everything will turn out alright.. how does that work? I guess the brain is just a powerful thing. That and the mind... and no they are NOT the same... at all.

When I get back up on the other hand, it makes me wanna scream, and jump for joy, yet part of me wont let me do that either. Its like.. my brain knows not to.. but how? why?? There are so many questions I would like answered.. but I guess I'll just have to wait. Waiting is one of my pet peeves.. haha. When I wait for something, that I really want.. I get this feeling in my stomach, like I want somethign.... REALLY bad.. yet im not quite shure what it is.. ever have that feeling? Its like.. part of you is missing. I really hate it, but on the other hand I love getting up after a big fall. Its nice to know that your back on top of things.. that everythings under control agian.. that you can finally feel good again... that everythings alright. I love that part. I love it when you get the feeling that you've finally pulled yourself out of such a bad fall.. that your standing on your own two feet again, its alot better then falling. Trust me... a lot.

Anyways.. I gotta go, people are wanting me to hurry up and finish so they can read my blog. Byes! Love you all

<3 Shayna


Anonymous said...

i think for your jessica problem u just need to bless her and things will turn out for the best. you say your a christian but the way your acting towards jessica is very un christian like.. it's a nice blog though and i'll leave comments on other things as well!

Anonymous said...

How?.. She never did anything to Jessica Krystal.. She got mad at Jessica becuz Jessica kept on being mean to Shayna. Thats not being un christian like.. Shayna didn't deserve that Krystal. No offence.. But I think Shayna is the most christian person I know.. and once again but no offence.. but its not your place to say other wise about her.

Anonymous said...

hmm... Shayna.

you are awesome! i hate when i have down times, but i also know that the only way that i can become the person who God wants me to be is to go through those down times...

i usually end up learning that God is good and He takes care of me and raises me up out of the tough spot that i am in.

here is a piece of wisdom that i am learning for you Shayna, also for Krystal... don't work through relationship struggles in blogs or emails or other places where people can read them and get their noses in.

go talk face to face, not online, not on blogs or emails. it is harder, butr it will turn out better for you and other who are involved. those are my thoughts

anyways, you rock Shayna have an awesome week!

Phil Toews