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Saturday, October 21, 2006

Yesterday and today

Okay so, Today I went to Jessicas new place.. because her mom and other adults were there. They got a pool table set up, so we played for 2 hours.. my feet are aching!!

Yesterday I went to the AYC dance. From 7-10pm.. its dancing non stop for three hours. Yeah it was VERY tiring, and VERY sweaty. Even just walking out of the crowd you cooled down, but then when you walked outside you were like.. :O OMG ITS SOOO NICE!! We were running to the bathroom every 30 min to get a drink from the taps cuz we only had 50 cents and we spent it on a water bottle and between me and my 9 other friends (Shauna, Maggie, Jessica, Sarah, Christine, Aisha, Andrea, Alyxandra & Jill) We each only got like... one sip.. MAYBE two if we were lucky, but there SO much fun.. even tho you go home sweaty and aching, its totally worth the pain.

We taught Shauna how to dance that night, YAY SHAUNA! And I even saw a couple kids from youth.. but I didn't talk to them.. I waved at one of them who was right in front of me.. and she looked at me and looked away.. she was in my grade too.. and even at the halloween party, theres no way she could've known who i was. But ohwell, I had 9 other friends to hang around with. Morgan even hung around us some of the time. And Tyler too. The whole time.. tyler didn't get a single dance.. and then suddenly at the end.. when they play the slow songs, a REALLY pretty girl asked him while we all had our backs turned.. and when we turned around, he was dancing with her! it was sooo cute. We were all like "awwwwe Tyler!!" I only danced with my friends tho. Like Shauna.. and Maggie and all of them.
It was the most fun I've had for the past 4-5 months.
It was truly a night to remember

<3 Shayna

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