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Sunday, October 01, 2006


Today I went to church. (like I do every Sunday)
Youth.. It was... okay. its too easy for all of us! No offense, but I was actually bored... like litteraly bored! It wasn't the youth I go to at night tho, It was just one of the moms decided to do youth.. and she was so excited.. I didn't mind going.. but it could've been more active, ya know? Not just like reading from the bible!!

Today there was a new couple in there, The girl was pregnant. We were praying for everyone and they both came down, so I got Marina to come pray with them for me. I was really getting a godly sence off of them, like a radience. It was powerful... extermely powerful. Like a force field for something. Well, thats what it felt like. But it was godly, cuz I could feel Gods Hand on them as we were praying, it was actually really cool! I wonder if they'll be coming back! Haha.

I love my church, It may be small, but its awesome. The only crappy thing is almost all the kids are leaving, Carson is the only kid around my age and then its 3 years older ( Mary ) and three years younger ( Marina). Dont get me wrong, I love Mary and Marina.. But its nice to have people my age there, ya know?? I really Miss the Alexanders, though the time was short with them.. it was meaningful. And now that they're gone.. its like a piece of me is missing! Its like.. I dont know. I hate it, all my friends are leaving the church! First Shanelle, Then Katrina, now the Alexanders! Grrr. Dont get me wrong, I still love church but part of me doesn't want to go anymore.. I know church isn't for your friends, its for God.. but... It sure helps to have friends there.

So as I said before the Alexanders left the church, and they were like my best friends. They were always there for me.. if I needed someone to talk to.. Lise and Morgan would always listen. If I needed somewhere to stay to get away from family Drama, Lise would open up her doors for me. I felt so welcommed there.. I felt like part of the family, Like a daughter, a sister.. this probably sounds SUPER corny, but its totally true. Morgan treated me like an older sister, same with Emily, Hailey and Faith.. and Lise treated me like a daughter. I loved it, I felt so.. loved! So.. Apreciated.
Now their gone, they moved to Prince George, and it REALLY sux, but, im not dwelling on that... im happy for them. They found a huge house.. and lots of great friends! They already bought a kitten named Mocha.. and it sounds like there having a blast. I still get to talk to them.. just not as much as I wanted. Not as much as before
Anyways.. Lise.. Morgan.. if your reading this.. I want you to know.. how much I miss you guys! I hate it that you guys moved.. but im glad God is blessing you so much. I hope to come visit you soon!! Love youu
Love you all blog readers!!


Anonymous said...

Heyy Babe, I miss u lots too

Love: Morgan

Anonymous said...

hey shay love you and ur blog


Anonymous said...

Hey! I luv your blog it's awesome!

rena said...

Yup..know exactly how you feel. My best friend moved away when I was in grade completely sucked. I kept comparing new friendships with the close one I had with her and of course, that just made it worse.
It's hard...but trust gets better.

Lala's world said...

ahhh you are so sweet!
we miss you too and love you tons. It is hard to be the one left behind so-to-speak but you will always be a part of our lives!!

Just Me said...

Hey correction: Katrina is not gone - just not around. They're still here - but because of all the sports/dance activities, they just don't get to church very often. Sad I know...but hope that makes you feel better.