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Monday, October 09, 2006


Okay, so as some of you may already know, this is my "so called" best friend, Jessica. The only reason im saying "so called" Is because she hurt me yesterday, REAL bad.

Jessica called me and asked if she could come over last night, her mom and dad are having problems and her mom is moving out of the house, and she wanted to show me the house they got. Seeing as it was close by, i said shure.. not thinking any harm would come to going to see her new housee..... right?? Well, we get there, shes showing me the house.. and im like ( Kay wait, when I talk, its italic, when she talks its bold?? Ka peesh??) Okay, so i was like>
"When do you get the house??"
" We get the key in fourteen days!!"
" Thats awesome! so, when do u move in?"
" The end of the month"
" Sweet, so, you'll be having your birthday party in it??"
"No, we're going Camping, I already told you that"
" oh yeah, sweet... whose all going??"
" I already told you that too, your not coming... Just Maggie and Kevin"

Okay... GREAT so my so called best friend... isn't inviting me to her birthday... WHY NOT? Would you like to hear why?!
Because shees only allowed two people.........! I can understand why she invited Kevin instead of me... Kevin is like her brother.. but Maggie?! why?! Maggie was also a really good friend of mine.. but me and Jessica have been friends for longer... since Grade 4.. only one year less that Kevin and her have been friends... So why should Kevin come, and not me? I know this probably sounds really harsh right now.. but im really confused! I thought we were best friends! I know birthday partys aren't everything... but they're special. To me anyways.. espcially 13,16,and 20.

I called my friend Sarah and told her.. guess what? Shes not invited either! Whats wrong with us?! Its really starting to get on our nerves. Shes spending almost all of her time with Maggie.. AND all she ever talks about now.. is "Last time Maggie was over....." No offence... but honestly! We're getting replaced by the new kid!!!

Sorry, thats just my little rant. I gotta go.. Mary wants on.

Bye .. thanx for listening



Lala's world said...

girls can be cruel and it is hard to figure them out all the time!! even when you are a girl...magine how a guy feels??? LOL

so sometimes it really sucks and you have to know your worth as a person and a friend and Who loves you more than anyone...that always helped me get thru my rough patches with friends!

sweetstuff said...

Hey I like your blog.
You commented on my blog before but I havn't ggot to get back to you and I apoligize for that.

Keep on posting,your doing a great job! Sorry I have to go now.

Gotta Jet (I use that whenever I'm leaving)