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Thursday, September 28, 2006


Yesterday I went to the youth group at Central Heights, called lifeline. I didn't think I would like it, I was begging my mom to keep me home... She made me go tho, she said I would love it, but I still didn't believe her.

As soon as we got in.. my ears ached.. it was SO loud... the boys i mean... Screaming and yelling, and wrestling, and just having fun.. the girls weren't as loud as the boys... obviously. We get in ( mom and me ) and we go to find Phil, the Youth Pastor. He talked with us for like a second, and then a girl stepped in, one of MANY Youth Leaders, her name was Amanda, otherwise known as Mandy, she was really awesome. She spent like almost the whole entire time with me..I didn't know anyone but her.. so I just hung out with her.

We basically play games and stuff for an hour, and then we listen to Phil preach, hes actually.. like... super funny! Hes a great pastor for youth! After we go back into the crazy loud room, and play more games. I sorta felt out of place there and I went to the back of the room and stood leaned against the wall.. i didn't know what to do. Suddenly, a girl from my Hip Hop class ( which btw, I've NEVER talked to ) walks up to me and says " Would you like to hang out with me and mmy friends?" alright!!! So her name is Sarah, shes appearently a lot nicer than I thought! Her and her friends like.. welcomed me into there group right away! It was soo awesome! We played ping pong for a bit, and then we left and sat in the hall because it was like.. major loud in there.

Then Sarahs friends parents came and they went home about 5 min later Sarahs Dad came, so I was just standing at the door, I saw Mandi, but she was talking with a leader so I didn't wanna interupt her, ya know?? Suddenly she turns around and shes like... "HEY! I was JUST telling him how I couldn't find you??" Then she turned to the other leader, "Wasn't I just telling you??" We laughed for a bit and then talked about Hip Hop.. and School.. and how she cant remember names! I told her she reminded me of my mom. My mom is really bad with names.. but shes getting better (hehe mom if your reading this... :D LOVE YOU!hehe)

Anyways, Youth went really well that nite, i thought it would be crap.. but it was like... major fun.. and like.. major loud. And I cant WAIT for next week!!

I should go now, I gots some homework to do... WoOt<3


(P.S the <3 is a heart, just in case you were all wondering, if you turn the < around and make it point down and put the 3 on top... its a heart!! :D haha <3 byebye)

Saturday, September 23, 2006


Okay, so.. like.. PARENTS ARE HOME! yay! flew in last night.
Jessica came over, she deicded to make cookies and wait for them so she could say hi to mom and dad. Haha! Marina and Emma also came over because their parents were picking up my parents from the airport, so we baked cookies for them, "Dad's cookies" ( Altho we should have put more oatmeal in it... but oh well)

We got told they would be home around 11.. so we were making cookies and fooling around,amd the make up war paint just HAD to be involved in all of this, and we decided to make up a dance for them. It like.. 9, so we start and guess what... not even a minute into the song, and mom yells... "Shayna!!! Aren't you gonna come upstairss??" CRAP! So we all RAN to the bathroom and scrub our faces clean.. it will have to be saved for another day.. oh well eh? Maybe next time....

But ANYWAYS, Im SO glad their home.. as most of you probably know. Even if we're not doing anything amazing, its just nice to cuddle with them.. nice to have them here.... after all that time away from them, ya know?

Anyways, I should go.. I'll talk to chu all laterrrrr


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Hip Hop

okay, So today is my first hip hop class.. Im SO nervous..! I Make shure to look like im ready to dance hip hop, but not to go over the top. Im all excited, I get there.. and my stomache turns... 4 girls... 2 are best friends... 2 are best friends... which leaves me... alone. Greeeeaaaaaat. That was the first fault... Second, I wore FLIP FLOPS!! haha yea, i know.. im genious! THIRD, My flip flops where are sweaty so I kept slipping.. and Last but not least, My hair was a fluff ball!

Yup, I had fun.. I picked up the choreography well.. I think, Brittany Richmond ( my teacher ) Said I was doing good... So, I hope I really am.. and shes not just being nice. Shes a really kewl teacher, She prays at the beginning of the class, and shes really fun.. And she laughs in the middle of dancing! Its Awesome, I love it!

I dont really have much to write about today... I just thought I should write about my dance so everyone knows what Im up too these "parentless days".

I talked with mrs.Majewski about my parents gone.. In my journal of course.. Shes a really good help! Im so glad to be in her class! LoL, I actually cried writing my journal one time! Haha! I miss them so much and I cant believe its only... 3 days until they come hommeee!!

I've talked with Patti and Rachel when they were gone.. Patti about friends "stuff" and Rachel.. actually I dont even know.. we talked about so many different things, we just laughed and had a fun time on the phone. I love Patti and Rachel for being there for me! You guys mean so much to me, and im glad your there if I need prayer or.. just someone to talk to!

Anyways.. I had loads of homework.. and i gotta go!!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Today.. I think

i Hello Oh faithful few that read my blog. Haha

Today was just like any other day, School.. Car pool.. home. Oh Joy, haha.

My friends keep telling me I should work on getting my singing to take me somewhere, but WHERE?? I have like.. NO connections..!!
Anyways, I tried to get a clip of me singing on here.. couldn't figure out how.. :( Maybe next time!! if anyone knows how.. that would be AWESOME if you could tell me.

My parents are gone.. as you already know.. it kinda sucks, I mean.. I like Margie, but she basically is TOO quiet. When she calls me and Mary for dinner, we can barely hear her... When she called me, I didn't even know she was calling.. so mary just said louder "Shayna!! Dinner!" And i heard right away and came! I think she thinks im not listening to her.. but its not that.. I CANT HEAR HER!! haha She needs to speak up... a lot. Shes really nice tho, but shes not strict, and TOO quiet, I guess there is such a thing as too quiet!

Other than that, everything is going fine, Mary made tacos tonite, well she made the shells(THANK YOU PATTI CULLEY!) I made the meat. It was GOOD if i do say so myself, hehe!

Yesterday I called Rachel to ask her if I could put her as my emergency contact for school, and we ended up talking for like.. 45 min! hah! Not really on a particular subject, we just rambled on, shes soo funney. i loved it.

Schools.. meh, cant complain, its school. WAYY to much stuff to carry home after school.. im used to just a back pack.. now its a binder, and my Math textbook, and my Science textbook, and my purse, and my ANYTHING else i brought! Haha, its too much to me!

Any ways, i should go.. I will blog again soon! byebye Faithful bloggers! (hehe I still think thats funney)


Friday, September 08, 2006

"Dear Diary"

Yesterday, my parents left for Wales, England, and then Scotland. I miss them.

My school (ASIA) decided to start a disrict wide spelling bee. And we've only been in school like...3 DAYS! And you can bet, my teacher is prolly gonna make me go into it. Joy. And you can bet that was sarcasim. My friend put up my hand, but im too scared to go into front of the whole school... AND to go disrict wide online. Its crazy! Mrs.Majewski already told me Im prolly in it. IM not to excited... what if I spell a really easy word wrong? Like silence? I know i can spell silence, but in front of all those people I might spell it wrong and that would be emabarassing!

Yesterday, my teacher came up to me after class.(Mrs Majewski) She said to me "Are you okay? You seem really quiet today! And why wouldn't you share you're writing with the class? Thats not the Shaina I know!"
I told her "The Shaina you know, has changed a lot since grade 5.... And im fine..."
"Are you shure?"
"Well, my parents are leaving for England today.."
"For how long?"
"Two weeks"... Then I dont know why, but i started crying.. Yeah shure, imma miss my parents but I didn't think I would.. THAT much!!
Mrs Majewski looked at me for a second, and then said "Awwwee! Shaina! You'll be fine!" Shes a really awesome teacher im glad im in her class! She told me if I ever need to talk.. shes always there.

I guess I really do miss them. My spirit does anyways, more than I know. See My parents haven't really gone away for this long without us... ever. They dont usually travel, I mean.. My dad goes to confrences in Toronto, and Same with my mom. My mom and dad were going to go to Venezuela.. But my dad didn't have enuf money to go in time. So he sent mom by herself. And she had loads of fun! but they've never really gone at the same time without us.. Its kinda wierd coming home from school and having them not there,, ya know?Its really crazy...

But I gotta go and finish waiting till we get driven to school.. I asked to be woken up at 6:45 so I could shower... and Margie woke me up at 6:05. I was like... noooooo! I was sooo tuired.. and I got already 40 min before we actually go.. lol! So i gotta go... byebye<3<3


Saturday, September 02, 2006


My totally sweet Dog

This is my Dog ,Duke. Hes not technically my dog, hes my dads. But my dad cant rightfully call him 'his dog'. Me and Mary take care of Duke. Hes a really spazzy dog, but I love him anyways. Dad doesn't like Duke because of that. Im not saying my dad is bad.. or wrong (I dont usually like spazzy dogs either) Im just saying he should keep up with his respoinsiblities wayy more!
Duke was doing really great until one weekend he bit too people.. not badly tho. Not that im making an excuse for him biting.. it was wrong I know. And ever since then it seems dad doesn't like him anymore. Which is Sad... Cuz now dad always talks about getting rid of Duke for a quieter more people friendly Dog. Yea that'd be nice... but we cant just give up on Dukey boy!
Rite now hes on Pro Zack. :P Yup A Dog on Happy Pills. Hes really calm now.. and hes been doing really good. I think he'll be fine around people.. but once again.. no one trusts him but me. BEFORE he was on his pills I had my friend Jessica over.. and he was FINE with her.. he was playing with and wrestling.. and now everyones afraid once again to let him near people.. but y?
Hes sucj a good dog.. And i wish they would give them a chance....