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Monday, March 19, 2007

A Warriors Cry

A Warriors Cry

He looks
over the mountainside
He shall wait.
His heart is true,
His soul is pure
What’s that?
He ducks behind a bush,
For the right time to move
He sees them all
Sneaking slowly
Up the mountain
He’s not afraid
‘Bring it on’
He thinks to himself
Just as all of them reach the base of the mountain
He steps out
From his hiding place
A sword in each hand
He stands
The sun behind him
Creating a silhouette
for all below to see.
They all look up
And begin to rush
The climbing
But, still he stands
Stands ground
He is not afraid
For his Father is watching
Watching and protecting.
Sending more
To help with his aid
Something flashes across the sky
They are coming
He grins
And lets out
A soft chuckle
“If only they knew”
His friends begin
To land softly behind him. Staring down
At the coming danger
But they are still
not afraid
He looks back
On all his friends,
He gives them a nod
And a little wink,
He once again faces
The demons climbing
The mountainside
Casually, he raises his sword
High up into the sky
And lets out
A Warrior Cry
High above the mountains
It carries
A warning for all near and far
That this is the end
Get ready for war
A warrior cry is loud and long
Crying out, loud
like a brilliant song
All his friends join in
Crying together
Over the mountainside
And up into the heavens
Praying for the Lord’s protection
Swords raised high
They all together
rush down the mountain
Going into war
Still you can hear
The Warriors Cry
Ringing loud a clear
Like a brilliant song
While all below
Is Havoc
Gruesome Battle
Down below
Teaching the Demons
Where they should go
Don’t come up here
And cause people to
Go Astray
Stay down below
Where you belong
God reigns on high
Not the father of lies
Get back where you belong
And Suddenly they all began
To Flee
The Warriors Cry Has worked before
But not as well as it has
God has protected us all.
The Battle scene is clean
The enemy has gone
They are no where to be seen
He faces his friends once more
And slowly
He raises his sword
And lets out a warrior cry
Joined by the sound
Of hundreds of his friends
Joining in the cry

And now hundreds of
warrior Angels
Fly through the sky
Watching us
Making sure we’re safe
Making sure demons don’t try
Because God loves you
And he wants to make sure
You’re always safe
And if you ever hear
A soft song being sung in your ear
You’re hearing the cry
Of A Warrior Angel
In Battle
Or Victory.

By: Shayna Marie Dyck


Just Me said...

Wow! That is an awesome poem! It makes me 'see' the angels coming when we call! It makes me 'see' that when we fight, we don't fight alone!! Wonderful poems - beautiful and encouraging pictures!

Anonymous said...

Shayna you are so rad. I just want you to know that. You make youth nights sooooo fun. You are one of the most encouraging and enthusiastic people I know and I love you for that. I feel so blessed that God put you in my small group. I love you Shayna!!!
- jenny

Anonymous said...

ooh yes and I think you are beautiful and have stunning eyes :) don't forget it. When you are in Velocity, I am going to carry around a boy beating stick and follow you around wherever you go and beat off the multitudes of boys.

(and thanks for all the messages you and Becky wrote in my room when you were babysitting ... made me smile)