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Saturday, March 24, 2007


okay, so for school I was supposed to write a speech. And so here it is.

Its not really G rated tho, so... be careful with 'little-er' ones reading it, may scare them.

Its about Animal Testing. Tell me what you think, I'm handing it in on monday.

Testing, Testing 1…2… wait, this is tested on what?!

Chair Person,
Honourable Judges
Ladies and Gentlemen
Fellow Students

Today I will be talking about animal testing, and what can be done to stop it. I believe that animal testing is wrong. Even a friendly pet food chain is testing on animals. There are alternatives to animal testing that has the same, or even more, accuracy.

PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) went to investigate the contract laboratory of ‘Iams’ for about 10 months before reporting back. PETA had said in their actual report that the investigator found dogs who had gone crazy from intense confinement in barren steel cages and cement cells, dogs who had been left on a dirty floor with muscle hacked from their thighs, and horribly sick dogs and cats who were languishing in their cages, neglected and left to suffer alone without veterinary care.
Iams claims that what they do makes a ‘better product’ for consumers.

There are many different types of animal testing, though today I will only be mentioning two. One type of testing is an LD50 test. In this infamous test, animals are force-fed doses of chemicals until they die. The tests inflict hideous suffering on the animals, who endure severe abdominal pain; bleeding from the nose, mouth, and other areas; convulsions; seizures; diarrhea; and paralysis before they die.
Another test, is the “Fish Acute Toxicity Tests” These tests are similar to the LD50 test, except that chemicals are pumped into the water tanks that hold fish until the animals die. The fish endure severe pain, before they are poisoned to death.

Doesn’t sound very appealing does it? And there are still more types of testing! More horrible ways that animal can slowly suffer for our drugs and “beauty”. For example:

Hair spray and bleach is sprayed into rabbit’s eyes and their throats.
Experimental drugs are pumped into monkey’s stomachs thru tubes shoved far into their nose or throat. And most of these experimental animals die from various abuses, and are denied veterinary care.

People take innocent animals and put them through unimaginable pain until they eventually die, all in the name of “Science”. But Mice are not little men, The results of a drug may not have the same effect on a human then it had on a mouse. Therefore the results would be inaccurate.
But there is an alternative to these horrendous tests. Scientists can take human blood and tissue to test the drugs and products on. It is said to have more accuracy then animal testing and this way, no one is hurt.
Animals do not have to be put through so much pain for us. Please, you can help stop animal-testing, all you need to do is not support it. Check the product to make sure that it says it is not tested on animals before you buy. And think about it... do we really need another hair spray?

Thank you.


Kinza said...

I think it is very good. I learned a lot on the 'tested on animals' subject.
I hope you get a good grade on it!
Kinza :)

Anonymous said...

That was a really good speech. I really loved the way you began with the "this is tested on what?!" that was very grabby for attention. I'm doing a speech for one of my classes in school and I chose animal testing and why it's wrong. I *promise* I'm not going to use yours. I just wanted to let you know I thought it was well written and the facts were good. I didn't find anything before on the fish though... I'll go looking. But.. I hope you got a good grade! Great speech!

Anonymous said...

Je suis entièrement d'accord avec vous! C'est horrible de faire cela. C'est à ce prix que nous utilisons des produit cosmétiques! Je suis contre. Il est donc nécessaire d'arreter les test sur animaux: je demande au monde entier de nous aider et de se battre pour eux (penser à vos animaux domestiques) supporteriez-vous de voir endurer de tels souffrances à vos cher compagnions? Si non, alors réagissez !!!

Anonymous said...

I love this speech, its very well written! I learned many many good facts for animal testing. I hope you got a good grade!