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Friday, March 16, 2007

Poems again.

Okay so as many of you already know, when I get bored I write poems and songs! So here's a one I've finished recently. My best friend and I got in a little misunderstanding, so [unplanned] we both ended up writing poems for each other. So here's mine, and hers is underneath.

I remember the day we met
It was a hilarious day
A day I will not soon forget

Mandy found you
And introduced us
Then came in Phil
He made such a big fuss

He told us to be good
He told us to be kind
He said I was now your best friend
And you were now mine.

Pushing us together
What an awkward time that was
We didn’t even know each other
Every single Youth night
There we were
You and I
Hanging out together

You really had become my
best friend
Just as Pastor Phil had

One day I brought some friends
To youth with me
I had no Idea what how they would act
What the after effect would be

They ended up ignoring
I wasn’t sure how to react
I kept trying to bring you in too
But it didn’t work

I was stupid and stuck with them
Even tho my true best friend was not with me
I felt so horrible when I got home
I thot we would never be the same good friends
We used to be

Weep ‘till the sea is full
I will not
I will stay strong
Dry as the dessert
When prying eyes look away
Only then, will I flood the world with my
Grief, Sorrow, Sadness

The next day you called me,
Omg, I was so happy!
You began to say sorry
And I said
“Wait, why should you be?”

We talked it out,
now were goodWe’re the very best friends
Just as Phil said we should

[I wrote two.. this is the second one]

Friendship growing like a flower
Friends forever within the hour

Memories we will forever save
secrets we will take to the grave

But then a fight,only once
never twice

She fely very hurt
I got very sad
I didn't mean
To make her feel bad

Laying in my bed
Wallowing in self pity
waiting for someone to ask what was wrong
Needed someone to feel sorry for me

Weep 'till the sea is full
I will not
I will stay dry
Dry as the desert
Only when the prying eyes look away
will I flood the earth with my
Grief, Sorrow, Sadness.

I felt so bad
I didn't know what to do
so I looked up to the sky
and with my Father
I talked it thru.

We talked thru what should be done
I almost picked up the phone
when suddenly it rung

we talked things thru
we were both wrong and right
And in that one phone call
we figured it all out that night

[The one my friend wrote \/]

I’m not going to jump to conclusions
With everything going on right now
Im losing my grip
The walls are caving in
Feel like im gonna slip

I gotta pick up the phone
And dial the number
Did I do something wrong?
I’m trying to remember

Being ditched
Feeling left out
Hung out with some other friends
But we had nothing to talk about

This friendship just started to bloom
I’m gonna end this pity party
Right here in my room
Stop feeling sorry for myself
And give her a chance
Stop acting like a 5 year old
And put on my big girl pants

So I picked up the phone
And dialed the number…

Whispering willows
Dancing in the breeze
Do they feelings?
Or are they just trees?

Rain falls down
Storm breaks it apart
Is it totally worthless?
Or still a work of art?

Forgiveness entered through the clouds
The rain began to stop
The sky a shade or sparkling blue
And there forgiveness shone through
Hope for someone to be there
Hope for someone to understand
Solid rock formed beneath my feet
Finally I could stand

Done with carrying all this weight
I gave my garbage to him
The only one to satisfy my sorrow, ache, or whim

Forgiveness stayed there in the clouds
The rain had stopped for good
Lifted my face up to the sky
Took off my hood
Someone was there
Someone understood
Friends for life
We looked up to the sky
And firmly we stood

So there you go... poems! yaay. Maybe later I'll put on more that I've written byes : ]


Bex said...

Thanks for the commment.Haha you are pretty awesome yourself. We are the greatest babysitters ever! Can't wait till we get to babysitt our little man again!

Anonymous said...

You guys are so cute!
oh and by the way...
The Mandy who commented on my blog isn't Mandy Supeene. =) haha. It's my old small group leader from when I was in grade 11 or 12.

Carol-Ann Allen said...

hey there Small Child!
I saw on your Mom's blog that you were wondering how to push an older post to the top. Go to your Dashboard and click on "Posts". Then click on "Edit" for the post you want to bring to the top. At the bottom of the post's window there is a blue link "Post Options". When you click on that, you will be able to change "Post time and date". All you need to do is to enter a time and date that is more recent than your most current post -- just enter the current time and date and you should be fine! That'll do the trick.