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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry Christmas!

**jingle, jingle jingle** Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!
So how did everyones Christmas go? Mine was just fantabulos! See.. when people hear that I had 12 presents under the tree everyones jaw just dropped. but people dont get that my family doesn't get each other Ipod Nanos and... Computers... and.... BIG presents. My family gets us presents that we can use.. That'll last us a long time. Such as.. a storage conpartment.. (a froggy one :P) Slippers.. Socks. That sorta thing. I didn't get much uber fun stuff, like that big presents mentioned above. But I dont care.. Christmas isn't about the presents.. it never was... they are just an added bonus.

Christmas time isn't a time to be greedy and to be mean. Its a time to remember Jesus. He was born on this day.. wasn't he? Well.. maybe not on this exact day, but.. this was the day chosen to remember his birth. "Happy Birthday baby Jesus" thats an awesome song "All year long we'll remember, that Precious gift we get from youuu"

Did you know December 25th used to be a Muslim holiday? Christains took over a long long lonnngg time ago, and renamed it Christmas. Bet 'cha didn't know that.
Did you know that... The abbreviation of Xmas for Christmas is not irreligious.
The first letter of the word Christ in Greek is chi, which is identical to our X. Xmas was originally an ecclesiastical abbreviation that was used in tables and charts. In the early days of printing, when font sizes were limited and type was set by hand, abbreviations and ditto marks were used liberally. Xmas came into general use from the church!

Theres so much about Christmas I bet people failed to know becuz a lot of people are SO obsessed in getting there presents, they are forgetting what Christmas is all about. JESUS!

I got a lot this year.. shure. But thats not what christmas is about. Its about remebering Jesus' birth, and celebrating! So celebrate People of God! CELEBRATE! And always remember, the true meaning of christmas.

Theres my rambling for the day..
Love you all
and hope your christmas was full of jesus and family fun

Friday, December 08, 2006

Today... Wow... today....

Today was HORRIBLE! Totally horrid! So much happened today.. and not good stuff... no.. not good AT all.

#1. Isaac tripped Shauna in P.E today, she hit her head really hard on the gym floor. She then started SCREAMING like someone was killing her! We all thot she was kidding,becuz she usually jokes around and screams and stuff, so we kept on playing basketball.. and then someone tried to make her get up.. and she wouldn't stop screaming!! So someone finally grabbed her picked her up and stood her upright. And then she stopped. But then she didn't know what was going on... she couldn't remember falling.. she couldn't remember screaming, and now Shauna is the kinda girl that even by a look she bursts out laughing, she cant look at anyone without smiling. And she was NOT smiling. she was crying, she was sooo scared that she couldn't remember! When the gym teacher asked her her birthday.. she said it was May 93rd 2006. first off... 93rd?! tahts not even a day in may.. second.. 2006? that would have meant she wasn't even a year old. Yeah.. something was deffinitly wrong. Our math class is on the top floor.. and we were going from math to French which is one floor down, and when we walked down the stairs... she couldn't remember it.. at the bottom step she was like.. WOAH, how did i get here? im like.. Shauna.. you walked... down the stairs! shes like.. no..... i was JUST in math.. and now suddently im down here. We were like.. uhhh Shauna!! No, we just walked downstairs! It was soo scary. I hope God REALLY watches her tonite. A lot more happened with her, but it'd take way to long to write out.
Someone really scared her tho.. someone told her she had to stay with us ( A student told her, not a teacher) Or else she'd fall asleep and die. And we all SMACKED the kid that said it.. and Shauna burst into tears, of course.. she doesn't want to die! And your not supposed to tell someone that.

#2. My friends puppy is dying! Of Hypothermia!!! isn't that saddd?? She (Layla, a little golden retreiever.. i think not even 2 months old) was wondering around outside, and she walked onto the pool.. which is frozen over with ice due to this freaky weather we were having, and the ice broke from under her and she fell in! :( Isn't that horrible! The poor puppy!! And so now shes dying, and there trying to keep her as warm as possible. Her brother is So sad now, becuz its his dog. But yeahh.. its really sad

A lot more happened at school.. but once again.. to much to write out. I gotta go.. i have like.. A MILLION projects to finish before Dec.22... it sux... a lot. Byes!!

Love you all; Mwahh<3