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Thursday, November 23, 2006

Tyra Banks

Okay so this post is so totally dedicated to Tyra, becuz I love her. Not only can she model, she she can SING too!! She only ever did one song tho, but its totally her.. and its totally awesome. You can tell its her.. cuz it sounds like her. Shes so beautiful!!!!! Its freaking crazy! She also helps out people alot. Tomorrow on Tyra ( Friday at 4 on Channel 9 or 11 ) She is doing something called 'Beauty 101' And shes sitting at a phone and answering (LIVE) peoples questions.. and helping them out. Then she really helps out this lady who has size 16 feet! It didn't show what it was, but me and Maggie(my friend) guess that it is a closet full of all different kinds of shoes, cuz lets face it.. if you are a woman and you have size 16 feet.. ther aren't going to be very nice dress shoes out there for you. ( Not trying to be mean or anything )

Did you know Tyra also got a 'makeover' to be a homeless person, and hung out with a homeless person on the streets to see what it was like? Yup, its true! Could you imagine? Willingly becomming homeless for a day or so? That would totally change your prospective on everything! She must have been truly determined to do this. I dont think I could ever last that long without food!! As selfish as that may sound, its totally true!!

Once she had drug addicts on her show. Old Drug addicts.. like they weren't addicted any more. She took woman who were all scared on there faces from doing drugs and gave them a total makeover, and got rid (almost) of all the scars from the drugs!! It was sooo cool!

I cant wait to watch her next show.. today at 4!!! :D
Byes! Love you all



Carol-Ann Allen said...
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Carol-Ann Allen said...

Hi Shayna,
Just want to apologize to you for my outspoken thoughts on your last two posts! I removed my comments!

As a Mom, I am distressed by the "Role Models" that are out there telling the daughters of North America that this is what it means to be a real woman of worth and dignity. I can remember MY Mom fretting about such when I was a teen!

Forgive me please for my spit-fire response. I still have fire to spit but it shouldn't be blazed at your blog!

May you have the wisdom to sort all these things out. This is a confusing and corrupt world in which we live. But there's a "New Day" just about to dawn! Thank God for that!

I appreciate the gracious email you sent me this evening ... thanks!