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Thursday, July 13, 2006

Today is a New Day

Okay well, so far today, I have almost nothing. Burned a CD, did some weeding, Cleaned up a container that i had outside for almost a week now(And you can imagine how much fun that was) I've spent most of my day on the computer... I feel so lazy! I need to get out and do something... ANYTHING! This house is sooo boring! Mom and Dad went out to the Coffee shop, One sister is working.. and the other has been sleeping for who knows how long! So... I'd rather not watch TV so Im stuck on the computer.

I had a REALLY freaky dream last night. I was in the HUGE house with all of the church.. The Baumans, The Culleys, My Family, The Thiessens... etc. And we weren't there one day, and my flip flops went missing when it was time to go. So, I didn't really think much of it, and got into the car... we came back the next day with that church... and After a long day of playing I walked into a room that resembeled my bedroom... and all my pairs of flipflops where there! And i was like! PRAISE GOD! I picked up one pair and put them on my feet. I turned to the door... and there was a girl, That didn't belong to our church... she had raven black hair... and black clothes.. and snow white skin. She grabbed my hand, and i dropped to my knees, thanking her for bringing my shoes back to me... She looked at me funny, and began walking out the door with me still holding her hand... I tried to let go, but our hands had... almost melded together! I began to SCREAM for My oldest sister.... I was shreiking, and getting dragged by this LITTLE TINY girl! Finally I kicked at our hands and they broke free... All i remember doing is having her staring at me as I ran away... Im not sure what would've happened if I stayed with her... Something just didn't feel right... ya know?

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