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Tuesday, January 30, 2007


So I go to a Fine Arts School way up on the mountain. I really wanna graduate from the arts school.. but my parents are making me leave next year! I dont wanna. I'd rather walk home lol. ANYWAYS

So it used to be that we {the students} would just do all four rotations {Dance, Drama, Music, Visual Arts} but now becuz the grade nines get to choose the grade 8s are getting to choose, but only for this year.. not next. I handed my choice form {we hada fill out this form about what we wanted and have a parent/guardian sign it} So its the first day of choice rotations and Mrs. Kesslar is telling us our rotations. My names not called.....? Im like.. "Uhhh Mrs. Kesslar, you didn't call me" Shes like.. "then you didn't hand in ur choices form" im llike.. "I gave it to Mrs. Majewski like... last week!" but long story short. Mrs. Majewski never gave it to Mrs. Kesslar.. so it was like.. a 'Shaynas so horrible cuz she didn't hand in her form' day. Which sucked. Kesslar wasn't very happy with me. I was like.. comeon, not my fault! But oh well.

Anyways. I got the choices I wanted! With all the people I wanted too! So... Im in Choral Music {Singing.. YES!} for block A and Dance for Block B. I was so happy! Yaaaaaay! I wanted to scream! So Im with like.. Jess, and Brook, and Krsytal. And me and Krystal are going for like every single solo there is. if we have to.. we'll make is a duo.. or she sings a line, I sing a line, ya know? Its gonna be soo fun! And for dance.. Im with:
1. Tanya
2. Brook
4. Jessica
5. Rebecca
6. Anny
And I think Kiera. Its pretty sweet. at least im not the ONLY not-so-uber-flexible person there. It makes it better, cuz then im not so much an outcast.. lol.

Im not exactly shure what else to type up here. Any Ideas? im running low.....

Signed with Love
<3Shayna Marie-

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Years!

5....4.....3....2....1!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Hello everyone, welcome to my FIRST post. Of the new year of course! happy new year everyone! How was your new years eve? what did you do? I went to my friend Maggie house and we stayed up ALL night watching movies, but keeping a close eye on the time, we didn't want to miss the count down. We didn't :) We counted down with the rest of the world, and while we were counting, we called our friend Jill and left her a lovely message on her answering machine of us counting down. Yaay, im shure she was glad to hear us scream into our phone. lol! We took loads of pictures. I'll never forget that night with Maggie, we were meant to be best friends, lol we even finish each others sentances sometimes. Then when I went home, we (my family) did our annual Movie Marathon, or our Moviethon. and I stayed up ALL night then too.. i Finally went to bed around 1 am. but not before calculating that i had been awake for over 37 hours! CRAZY I KNOW! 37.. wow I think thats my new record.. at least untill next year :)
Tell me how yours was.. what did you all do?
Good bye! and Happy New Years!
