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Thursday, November 23, 2006

Tyra Banks

Okay so this post is so totally dedicated to Tyra, becuz I love her. Not only can she model, she she can SING too!! She only ever did one song tho, but its totally her.. and its totally awesome. You can tell its her.. cuz it sounds like her. Shes so beautiful!!!!! Its freaking crazy! She also helps out people alot. Tomorrow on Tyra ( Friday at 4 on Channel 9 or 11 ) She is doing something called 'Beauty 101' And shes sitting at a phone and answering (LIVE) peoples questions.. and helping them out. Then she really helps out this lady who has size 16 feet! It didn't show what it was, but me and Maggie(my friend) guess that it is a closet full of all different kinds of shoes, cuz lets face it.. if you are a woman and you have size 16 feet.. ther aren't going to be very nice dress shoes out there for you. ( Not trying to be mean or anything )

Did you know Tyra also got a 'makeover' to be a homeless person, and hung out with a homeless person on the streets to see what it was like? Yup, its true! Could you imagine? Willingly becomming homeless for a day or so? That would totally change your prospective on everything! She must have been truly determined to do this. I dont think I could ever last that long without food!! As selfish as that may sound, its totally true!!

Once she had drug addicts on her show. Old Drug addicts.. like they weren't addicted any more. She took woman who were all scared on there faces from doing drugs and gave them a total makeover, and got rid (almost) of all the scars from the drugs!! It was sooo cool!

I cant wait to watch her next show.. today at 4!!! :D
Byes! Love you all


Friday, November 10, 2006


Rawr!! im so freaaakkkinnnn' confused right now. Sometimes things are just so screwed up. Now is one of those down times, I hate this! I just... i get so confused.. and so caught up in everything, that I dont know what to do. For instance.. All my friends say they're there for me.. but it feels like im alone, no matter what. They are always making plans without me.. not that that usually bugs me.. but then they talk about how much fun it'll be without me.. while im there. thats what annoys me. Of course.. I get up and walk away so they wont notice the tears. I dont think they realize how much it hurts, they're so used to being accepted right away.. not realizing that theres me.. who does't get accepted so easily. They dont realize that not all of us can be as... hmmmmm. I cant think of the word. I know God is with me always, but it still hurts to have all my friends doing this to me. I will talk to them.. I have talked to them.. nothing seems to be working. I love my friends so much and I really dont wanna be losing them right now!

There are some people that have helped me a lot tho.
Mrs.Lainchbury for one. She was the sweetest teacher I ever had. Altho 5 years ago.. I still sometimes come to her when I need someone to talk to. She is the most kind and compassionate person I know, She makes time for you no matter what.. no matter how busy she is.. she'll work while you talk, and it really helps... I just wish I could see her more often, and do more in return for her...She is the kind of teacher that you wish every teacher could just be like. I'll never forget you.. you've helped me so much<3 I love you, and Miss you terribly<3
Mrs.Majewski is one of the best teachers ever. She ALWAYS listens and ALWAYS makes time for you, no matter how busy her schedule is. She is the kind of teacher you wish for on your first day of school. She never makes you feel stupid for anything you say.. even if what you said was completely retarded. And believe me.. if you know me.. you'd know half the stuff I say is completely retarded. Shes the kinda of teacher you'll never forget. I love you<3 I'm so glad to have you as my teacher for the second time<33
Miss Dussin was my teacher last year, now she teaches at a different school.. and I miss her soo much! :( Shes the kind of teacher that made you love coming to school in the morning. She ( along with the two mentioned above) is one of the main reasons why I didn't actually mind that much, getting out of bed in the morning for school. She always let me talk to her after school. And even if she wasn't there for the day (T.O.C) She'd leave us a note somewhere.. telling us how much she'd miss us.. and reminding us to be good. We even thought to throw her a suprise party. I love you and miss you soo much <3 I wish you didn't have to leave us so soon
These are a few of the people that helped me the most during all the hard times I had. Only one of the time was actually really really bad.. but nonetheless all of them were hard. I wish I didn't have to go thru all of this. Part of me wishes I was little again.. so I would've have anythign to worry about anymore.. But im not.. and sometimes it rox, and I love it, but other times it really sux.. and all i do is literally crawl into a ball on the ground and cry.. it sux. But.. I know how to get over it fast, most of the time.

Dont get me wrong.. I have LOADS of good times in my life.. more good then bad. And I owe that to LOTS of people.. too many to name.. but name a few... I can do.
And those were only a few. My friends are really good and all, I love them SO much.. I dont know what I'd ever do without them.. thanx guys.. I love you so much... I know we'll always be there for each other.

Especially you Aisha and Jill.. we've been friends since grade 2.. since the Beginning.. and i love you so much, and I think its SOO cool that me and you are still really good friends.. and I love you both for it<3


<3 Shayna

P.S you know who else I really love? Tyra Banks, Yeah yeah.. I know.. I'll never get to meet her.. but shes liek my hero.. I'd do anything.. I wish that I could meet her.. Thats my wish. To be like Tyra.. so I can meet Tyra. I Wish I could so badly.. And If I did.. I'd probably DIE from shock.. I love her soo much, she is SUCH a role model to me. I sign up for everything Tyra haha! including personal newsletters that she writes and sends out herself to everyone that signs up. I love you Tyra!! So much! I wish I could meet you :( <33333

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Merry go round.. or life?

Okay, So right now my life feels like one big merry-go-round. I'll feel alright with everything, and then suddenly something with happen, and it feels like I hit the bottom.. hard. So let me tell you that is NOT fun... not fun at all. Actually it really sucks. It hurts too, see.. when I fall sometimes I just wanna scream and get so mad... but on the other hand... my body wont let me. Its like it knows before I do.. that everything will turn out alright.. how does that work? I guess the brain is just a powerful thing. That and the mind... and no they are NOT the same... at all.

When I get back up on the other hand, it makes me wanna scream, and jump for joy, yet part of me wont let me do that either. Its like.. my brain knows not to.. but how? why?? There are so many questions I would like answered.. but I guess I'll just have to wait. Waiting is one of my pet peeves.. haha. When I wait for something, that I really want.. I get this feeling in my stomach, like I want somethign.... REALLY bad.. yet im not quite shure what it is.. ever have that feeling? Its like.. part of you is missing. I really hate it, but on the other hand I love getting up after a big fall. Its nice to know that your back on top of things.. that everythings under control agian.. that you can finally feel good again... that everythings alright. I love that part. I love it when you get the feeling that you've finally pulled yourself out of such a bad fall.. that your standing on your own two feet again, its alot better then falling. Trust me... a lot.

Anyways.. I gotta go, people are wanting me to hurry up and finish so they can read my blog. Byes! Love you all

<3 Shayna